Arts and Culture

Susan Strand – Inspired by Family, Connected to Community

March 04, 2025

One of three children of a homemaker and a factory worker in a close-knit community, Susan Strand always felt a strong impulse to participate in her church, local non-profits and politics.

“My parents were always helping someone,” said Susan. “It was the example set by my parents that told me, not just verbally, but by example, that I was supposed to be out there in the community.”

The Strands rented a home in Torrington for much of Susan’s childhood, Susan’s parents, Polly and Wesley, lived in the downstairs, while Wesley’s sister “Aunt Agusta” and her husband “Uncle Jim” lived upstairs.

“While I feel like I’m not giving a huge amount of money, it does have an effect on the community, especially the children who attend the program or even the parents, and the effect is wonderful."

Polly Strand was a trained nurse who stopped treating patients when she married but never stopped caring for those around her. Polly made meals for the Spooner House, a homeless shelter and soup kitchen. She volunteered at My Sister’s Place, an organization that provided shelter and life transition support for homeless women and children, many of whom had experienced domestic violence. She drove cancer patients to their treatment appointments. And during election season, and regardless of their politics, she drove those without transportation to the voting polls.

“My mother was always out there helping other women and women’s organizations,” said Susan.

Wesley worked in a local factory and served as a volunteer firefighter. He often left the dinner table after a long day’s work to fight a fire to help save a neighbor’s home. With no staff of firefighters, men in the community would listen for the warning horn from the fire box, a system that announced by the number of horn blows where a fire was located.

“The horn would blow, and we would stop whatever we were doing and count the number of blows,” said Susan. “If the fire was in our district, dad would run off to help.”

After he retired, Wesley often helped members of the church and the community. Almost every day he clipped hedges, mowed lawns and helped with minor home repairs for others.

“Every day, I remember him going out to somebody’s house to help them with something,” said Susan.

When Agusta Holmes became ill with dementia, Polly cared for her, so James could continue to provide financially. And in turn, in his will, James left Polly and Wesley an inheritance that provided for them, enabling them to purchase a home, and when Polly was ready, the financial resources needed to move into an assisted-living facility.

“My family set a really good example of caring about, not just your family because they were very supportive of family, but also their community,” said Susan. “They instilled in me a strong feeling of connection to community.”

A successful business woman and community leader, Susan Strand was a founding member of the National Organization of Women Torrington Chapter, a founding mother of the Litchfield County Women’s Network, served as Planning and Zoning Commissioner and has been, and continues to be, involved in countless non-profit community-based organizations, including Operation Overflow at the homeless shelter and her local soup kitchen.

Polly and Wesley Strand and Uncle Jim have long since passed, but the spirit of their generosity and love for family and community live on as an inspiration to Susan. When Susan received an inheritance from her mother, she knew exactly how she wanted to spend it.

“I wanted to do something that would honor my parents and Uncle Jim for a long period of time,” said Susan.

In December 2006, with a single gift, Susan Strand established The Polly and Wesley Strand and James L. Holmes Fund for Programs for Women and Children. Since then, in the spirit of Polly and Wesley Strand and James L. Holmes, the fund has supported educational events in Northwest Connecticut that work to build a sense of inclusiveness and community.

“While I feel like I’m not giving a huge amount of money, it does have an effect on the community, especially the children who attend the program or even the parents, and the effect is wonderful."