Basic Needs/Social Services

Ann Gensch Leaves a Legacy of Caring for Local Children

March 06, 2025

When Ann Gensch was in the room, everyone knew it. Her bright, friendly personality, often described as "booming," made everyone feel welcome and at ease. Ann taught at Torrington Middle School and its predecessor Vogel Wetmore for more than 30 years.

A skilled and thoughtful writer, Ann crafted countless letters and cards for special occasions or to reconnect with a friend. She spent hours at Burr Pond in Torrington, observing the smallest of creatures: insects, dragonflies, and birds. She wrote stories about their lives. She often visited the Lourdes Shrine in Litchfield to pray for friends and to write. She wrote about faith, courage, peace, and forgiveness.

"Ann really felt it when she saw a student in need," said Angelo. She had a way of seeing when people were struggling, people of any age, but especially children."

Ann wove her love of nature and its connection to all of us into her lesson plans. Every assignment she crafted helped students connect to each other and to a broader humanity. A popular project she called "All of the Good Things" had students writing positive things about each other. She taught historical fiction and literature, always connecting the characters to their struggles and compassion, often around themes of equality and family.

"Ann made us feel like a family," said Angelo Calabrese, long-time friend of Ann's and current Torrington Middle School educator. "Her students were her children; she felt like a parent to everyone."

Ann was uniquely tuned in to the people in her life. She was the first to console a friend or colleague. She was especially thoughtful of children she suspected had struggles in their lives­, ensuring they had plenty of attention, bringing in extra food
if she suspected they were hungry.

"Ann really felt it when she saw a student in need," said Angelo. She had a way of seeing when people were struggling, people of any age, but especially children."

Ann passed away in May of 2021, after spending her final days observing a nest of baby birds just outside of her window. Through her estate planning, she established the Northwest CT Community Foundation Ann Gensch Fund. The field of interest fund awards grants to nonprofits that assist homeless children in the greater Torrington area.