Your support in 2024 created so much good right here in Northwest CT–Thank you!
In 2024, Northwest CT Community Foundation (NCCF) funds awarded $4,420,946 in grants and scholarships—providing warm beds and nutritious meals for struggling community members, enabling access to education for deserving students, conserving natural spaces that protect wildlife, supporting arts programs that inspire creativity and nourish hope, and so much more.
"Everything you do in life is your legacy; try to do something good"– David Frigo of the Northwest CT Community Foundation David and Marlene Carrozzo Frigo Charitable Fund, est. 2024.
Would you like to make a gift that lasts forever? With an initial gift of $5,000 or more, you can establish a fund with NCCF that supports your favorite causes and nonprofits in your name, forever.
For more information, contact Bradford Hoar, VP of Philanthropic Services at bhoar@yournccf.org or (860) 626-1245.