Publication: The Community Report

2014 Community Report: Community Values

June 07, 2014



Dear Friend,

The bald eagle – our national symbol – was considered virtually extinct in Connecticut in the 1950s. Yet, four decades later, careful nurturing, responsible husbandry, and a heartfelt commitment by many led to the first successful nesting of bald eagles right here in our beloved Northwest Corner. Since then, Connecticut has continued to be a welcome home to the bald eagle, identifying 143 “fledglings” in the first ten years of this new century alone.

They always wanted to be here, to stay home. An eagle, regardless of its migration habits, is often known to build only one nest in its lifetime. It is the home it returns to each year, to be with its sole mate, raise its young, and surround itself with a familiar environment. In this case – Northwest Connecticut – one that is rich in beauty and natural resources.

Does the eagle’s tale sound familiar?

No matter where you travel or where your life’s journey takes you, I suspect that you, like us, find yourself called back home to Northwest Connecticut.

You, the region’s charitable people and Community Foundation fundholders, have been remarkable at both ends of the tale. Your giving has kept your town a safe, nurturing, and a desirable place to live. You support its schools, libraries, its day care centers, its arts organizations, its animal shelters, its natural places, its basic needs programs – and all the components that comprise a community. And, we are pleased and grateful to acknowledge, you often do so through this Community Foundation.

You also fulfill the other end of the tale. As a member of the Northwest Connecticut community, you have a place to which you belong, a place in which to work, to relax and enjoy life, to feel safe – a place of natural beauty, a stable base from which to explore the world and ultimately, to come home to.

Just like our eagles.

A home needs constant nurturing

The naturalists did not declare success in 1992 when the two eaglets were born. They knew – we knew – the painstaking, but joyous work had just begun.

Thanks to gifts and charitable funds like yours, the Community Foundation was able to award $3.4 million in grants and scholarships in 2014. Our region’s children are getting a great jump in literacy programs, high school graduates are able to pursue the college education they need to succeed, working families are obtaining the services and skills they need to be good neighbors, and seniors, the infirm, and the needy have more access to the resources they need to remain in their community with the dignity they deserve.

Did we say you make community happen?

The report in your hands (or on your screen) highlights the incredible outcomes you make possible. We’re pleased to help you or use your generous gifts to empower local nonprofits – from Salisbury to Washington, Hartland to Kent and every community in between.

In this report, you will read about innovative and impactful approaches – yours and ours – so that we can continue to call Northwest Connecticut home.

We think the bald eagles would be proud.


Guy Rovezzi, President
Douglas O’Connell, Chairman of the Board of Directors

The Community Foundation of Northwest Connecticut

Established in 1969,The Community Foundation of Northwest Connecticut, Inc., serves Litchfield County with more than 251 funds that support nonprofit organizations and provide scholarships to area students in 20 towns within the Northwest Corner, including: Barkhamsted, Bethlehem, Canaan/Falls Village, Colebrook, Cornwall, Goshen, Hartland, Harwinton, Kent, Litchfield, Morris, New Hartford, Norfolk, North Canaan, Salisbury, Sharon, Torrington,Warren,Washington and Winchester/Winsted.


To enrich the quality of life for residents of Northwest Connecticut by inspiring local philanthropy, convening stakeholders in community welfare, strengthening the regional nonprofit network and fostering collaborative funding partnerships.


In its Board of Directors, the Foundation has an active governing body that is responsible not only for establishing the mission and strategic direction of the organization, but also is charged with oversight of its finances, operations and policies. The Board, which is independent and broadly representative of the people within the Northwestern Connecticut area served by the Foundation, is comprised of individuals who have demonstrated civic leadership in a variety of ways and who have a strong record of volunteer community service.

2014 New Funds

Khurshed Bhumgara Fund
This endowed unrestricted fund was established through a bequest from Khurshed Bhumgara. Mr. Bhumgara retired in 2002 from a successful career in capital and real estate development. He settled in Sharon, Conn., where he worked tirelessly to support and steward the nonprofits of the Northwest Corner, including serving as a Community Foundation board member for many years.

Cornwall Historical Society-Norman Dorsen Fund
This designated endowed fund supports the charitable, scientific and educational purposes of the Cornwall Historical Society with current income and long-term stability.

Litchfield Community Center Reserve Fund
This agency fund supports the operations and capital needs of the Litchfield Community Center and its charitable, social, and educational initiatives.

Cornwall Conservation Trust Prud'homme Stewardship Fund
Cornwall Conservation Trust Funds are used for land acquisition and management with the aim of preserving unspoiled open space for the benefit of the community at large.

Sharon Land Trust Endowment Fund
This endowed agency fund supports the protection and preservation of lands with special scenic, natural, environmental, recreational, historic, or agricultural value to the rural atmosphere of the town of Sharon.

Sharon Land Trust Mary Moore Fund
This endowed fund provides land stewardship for the nature preserve or sanctuary bequeathed to the Sharon Land Trust by Mary Moore.

Sharon Land Trust Stewardship & Protection
This non-endowed agency fund supports the stewardship and protection of land under the care of the Sharon Land Trust.

The Sharon Woman's Club Scholarship Fund
This fund furthers the charitable mission of the Sharon Woman’s Club to stimulate and encourage all efforts toward intellectual and social betterment in the home and in the community.

The Taconic Learning Center Fund
This agency fund supports the charitable mission of the Taconic Learning Center to provide the opportunity ong education and self-development for residents of Northwest Connecticut and adjacent communities in New York and Massachusetts.

Discretionary Funds

Discretionary Funds are a powerful means through which donors enable effective charitable giving where and when it is most needed. Grants are awarded in the name of the Fund to nonprofits chosen through a comprehensive selection process administered by the Community Foundation. Discretionary Funds provide enormous impact in addressing current and emerging community needs, creating an unending philanthropic legacy.

Bank of Boston Fund | est. 1998
Created by local executives at the then Bank of Boston, this permanent fund supports the Community Foundation and the communities it serves.

Brooks Bank Fund | est. 1970
One of the first to be established at the Foundation, this fund was initiated by employees of the Torrington based Brooks Bank, which subsequently merged with Colonial Bank and Trust Company.

John Brooks Fund | est. 1977
A prominent Torrington banker, Mr. Brooks established this endowment to assist area nonprofit organizations in perpetuity.

Khurshed Bhumgara Fund | est. 2014
This endowed unrestricted fund was established through a bequest from Khurshed Bhumgara. Mr. Bhumgara retired in 2002 from a successful career in capital and real estate development. He settled in Sharon, Conn., where he worked tirelessly to support and steward the nonprofits of the Northwest Corner, including serving as a Community Foundation board member for many years.

Robert Venn Carr, Jr. Fund | est. 1985
Founder of the Litchfield County Insurance and Travel Agency in Torrington, Mr. Carr established this endowed fund as a token of his appreciation and to enhance the quality of life for the people of the community.

Eva M. Coty Fund | est. 1998
This fund was established by bequest to enhance the quality of life for citizens of Litchfield County.

Marion Isabell Coe Fund | est. 1998
Grants (made possible by funding from the Bank of America) from this trust fund assist under-resourced residents of Litchfield,Warren, Morris and Goshen, with a preference for Litchfield residents.

Ruth and Robert Cron Endowment Fund | est. 2007
Established anonymously, this fund honors the memory of Ruth E. Cron.

Marion Wm. & Alice Edwards Fund | est. 2004
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, both educators with a long history of civic involvement, were dedicated to learning and devoted to Torrington.The fund was established by a bequest of $2.75 million. It supports the crucial work of nonprofit organizations.

First National Bank of Litchfield Fund | est. 1997
This endowment supports the Foundation and the communities it serves in perpetuity.

Fleet General Fund
This endowed unrestricted fund supports the nonprofits of Northwest Connecticut.

Lucia Tuttle Fritz Fund | est. 2008
A lifelong resident of Torrington, Mrs. Fritz established this unrestricted fund through a bequest.

Carlton D. Fyler and Jenny R. Fyler Fund | est. 1988
Torrington residents Carlton D. Fyler, a chauffeur, and Jenny R. Fyler, an educator, established this endowed fund through their estate planning.The fund continues their lifelong interest in supporting the moral, artistic, intellectual, and physical development of children in their community.

Keroden Endowed Fund | est. 2002
Established anonymously, this unrestricted fund enables the Community Foundation to meet a broad range of evolving community needs.

Northwest Connecticut Philanthropy Fund | est. 2008
An open and flexible community resource, the Northwest Connecticut Philanthropy Fund was created as an easy and cost effective way for the general public to be a part of the local philanthropic experience.The fund provides a platform that helps local citizens realize their charitable goals.

Pierpont Chapter #49 Order of the Eastern Star Fund | est. 2005
This fund was established in memory of Deborah A. Goldthwaite, Past Matron of Pierpont Chapter#49 Order of the Eastern Star.

Edwin M. Stone and Edith H. Stone Fund | est. 1971
Established through the estates of Mr. and Mrs. Stone, this fund supports nonprofit organizations in the Community Foundation’s service area.

Torrington Club Fund | est. 1969
This fund established the original Torrington Area Foundation for Public Giving as a community foundation.The Fund continues to support the communities of Northwest Connecticut.

Torrington Savings Bank Fund | est. 1997
Established by the management of the Torrington Savings Bank, this endowed fund supports the Foundation and the communities it serves.

Torrington Savings Fund
This endowed unrestricted fund supports the nonprofits of Northwest Connecticut.

Margaret C.Tupper Fund | est. 1993
Established through a bequest in her will, Ms.Tupper’s endowed fund will continue to improve the quality of life for future generations of Northwest Connecticut residents.

Feliciano and Lydia Turri Zaccheo Fund | est. 1999
This endowed fund, which memorializes a well-known Torrington couple, helps to improve the lives of citizens in Northwest Connecticut.

Field of Interest Funds

Field of Interest Funds enable annual grants to address specific issues or within communities important to the fundholder. Based on personal philanthropic goals, fundholders determine grant recipient eligibility requirements - such as a geographic area of service or specific community needs, like arts enrichment, homelessness or the environment – and the Community Foundation annually pr lly selected grants in the fund’s name that best reflect fundholders’ philanthropic objectives.

1421 Opportunity Fund | est. 2002
This fund was created to assist at-risk teens in Northwest Connecticut.

Roberta Lee August Fund | est. 1998
This fund was established to honor Miss August, a longstanding Community Foundation volunteer.The fund supports programs in the areas of mental illness and literacy.

Miriam Mason Cable Trust Fund | est. 2006
Established by Peter Cable, of Harwinton, in honor of his wife, the fund provides support for human service organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life for residents of the Greater Torrington area.

Caleb J. Camp Trust
Originally established as a trust almost one hundred years ago to honor a prominent Winsted benefactor, this field of interest fund assists under-resourced residents of Winsted who have lived there for at least five years.

Robert V. Carr Fund | est. 2005
This fund directs much of its support to health and human service organizations, the library, and to organizations engaged in the promotion of the arts and the beautification of the community.

Critter Fund
Established by the Community Foundation in 2005, this endowed fund supports charitable organizations in Northwest Connecticut dedicated to animal welfare.The Critter Fund assists with shelter, rescue and adoption, training, prevention of cruelty, spaying and neutering, elderly companionship, services to the disabled and wildlife preservation. Animals play a vital role in our quality of life and, as such, are worthy of human concern and empathy. Supporters of the Critter Fund are dedicated to this premise and, by contributing to the fund, demonstrate their support of animal-related causes.

The Emeritus Fund
Proceeds from this field of interest fund, which honors past members of the Community Foundation’s Board of Directors for their dedicated service, are used to support the efforts of local nonprofits to enhance their governance.

Friends Helping Children Fund | est. 1999
Torrington residents created this endowed fund to assist children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

Anson and Caroline Catlin Hungerford Trust Fund | est. 2007
Established by Mr. Newman Hungerford in memory of his parents, this fund assists deserving residents of Harwinton with their hospital-related medical expenses.

The MacCallum Family Fund for Animal Welfare | est. 2013
This fund provides for emergency medical care for sick, injured and/or neglected animals through emergency grants that support the treatment of animals brought to animal hospitals by good samaritans and animals whose owners are in need of financial assistance for their care.The fund also supports efforts to educate the community about the care of animals.

Louis O.Thibeault Fund for the Advancement of Children’s Education | est. 2009
This fund was established by Mr.Thibeault to advance the education of disadvantaged children by addressing obstacles to learning specifically related to their health, well-being and/or deficits in needed assistive technology.The fund strives to enhance learning by assisting families of limited means with associated expenses.

Youth Advisory Committee Fund
This pass-through fund supports the Youth in Philanthropy program.

Donor Advised Funds

Donor Advised Funds are an increasingly popular means for donors to create greater, longer-lasting impact in their charitable giving. A far more cost-effective and tax beneficial alternative to setting up a private foundation, donor advised funds are often established through gifts of stock or other appreciated assets. Fundholders or their designated successors recommend grants to nonprofit organizations of of their choice, while the Community Foundation manages all aspects of administering the fund and overseeing the prudent investment of the fund’s assets.

Borghesi Family Fund | est. 1999
Created by Allan and Maria Borghesi, this fund helps to improve the quality of life in Northwest Connecticut.

Susan A. Bruso Memorial Fund | est. 2004
Established in memory of Ms. Bruso, a Winsted resident who worked for many years in the technology industry, this fund supports charities in Norfolk and also awards annual scholarships to Botelle Elementary School graduates.

The Buchanan Fund | est. 2009
A gift from the William E. and Josephine B. Buchanan Family Foundation, Inc., established this donor advised fund, which supports area charitable organizations.

The Canaan Foundation Non-Endowed Fund | est. 2006
The Canaan Foundation, a nonprofit organization, established these community-specific funds to enhance the quality of life for residents of Canaan.

Peter G. Cerruto Memorial Fund | est. 2004
Established by family and friends, this fund honors the memory of Mr. Cerruto, a life-long Torrington resident, and a World War II and Normandy Invasion veteran.

Charter Oak Review Fund | est. 2002
This fund was established by Harry Harlow to manage the funds of Charter Oak Review, a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to support deserving writers.

Susan F. Cogswell Memorial Fund | est. 2010
Established in memory of Ms. Cogswell, a lifelong Torrington resident and former state insurance commissioner known for her commitment to public service, this donor advised fund supports charitable endeavors in Northwest Connecticut.

Draper Foundation Fund | est. 2012
The late Jim and Shirley Draper’s gift of $30 million will forever serve as a testament to their exceptional kindness and generosity. One of the largest single gifts on record to a community foundation in the state of Connecticut, the fund benefits mainly local charitable organizations by making yearly grants to 19 nonprofits named by the Drapers, and through annual donor- advised grants.

The Echo Valley Foundation Fund | est. 2009
Established anonymously, this donor advised fund supports charitable, scientific or educational initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.

Friends of New Hartford Fund | est. 2002
Established by longtime New Hartford resident David L. Childs, this fund provides grants to charitable organizations in New Hartford.

Jim & Nancy Garfield Fund for the Arts | est. 2002
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Garfield, this fund supports cultural life.

Richard M. Gilman Memorial Fund | est. 2003
Mary Gilman began this fund to carry on the work of her late husband, Richard, whose efforts to help people extended from Torrington to Zimbabwe.

The Wayne M. Gnazzo & Family Fund | est. 2011
A lifelong Torrington resident, Mr. Gnazzo established this donor advised fund to support charitable endeavors in Northwest Connecticut.

Sue Grossman Still River Greenway Fund | est. 1999
Created by the Still River Greenway committees of Torrington and Winsted, this fund supports the construction of a five-mile path for bicycling and walking between the towns.

Jeffrey and Susan Lalonde Community Betterment Fund | est. 2005
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Lalonde, this fund supports efforts to improve the quality of life in Litchfield County.

Richard Leone COCC Fund | est. 2004
Mr. Leone, president of Avon-based COCC, established this fund to benefit local charities. Formerly Connecticut Online Computer Center, Inc., COCC is a leading provider of technology for community banks and other financial institutions in the region.

Local Area Fund | est. 2002
Established anonymously, this fund furthers the philanthropic goals of a local donor family.

Muff Maskovsky Fund | est. 1999
Established to honor a past chairman of the Community Foundation’s board of directors, this fund especially contributes to education in Northwest Connecticut.

Miles for Moe Fund | est. 2011
Established by Torrington residents Emil and Colleen Renzullo, this donor advised fund honors the memory of their son by supporting LARC’s camp for children with and without special needs.The camp’s namesake, Emil “Moe” Renzullo Jr., succumbed to leukemia in 2010 at age 12.

Robert C. Miller and Carol H. Miller Fund | est. 2006
This fund benefits area charitable organizations.

The Cara and Carl Muller Fund for Community Support | est. 2006
The Mullers created this fund to support emerging community needs.

Elson-Slemmer Fund for the Environment | est. 2007
Established by Sandra Elson Slemmer and David Slemmer, this fund is used primarily for charitable, scientific or educational support relating to the protection of the natural environment with a primary focus in Northwest Connecticut.

New Hartford Education Fund | est. 2006
Proceeds from this fund are used to support educational initiatives in the town of New Hartford.

The Molly O'Connell Fund
This fund, established by family of the late Molly O’Connell, supports charitable initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.

Brian J. O’Neil Memorial Fund | est. 2004
This fund was established in memory of Mr. O’Neil, a native of Winsted, after his untimely death on December 3, 2004, at age 50. The husband of Gail Williams O’Neil, Mr. O’Neil was a respected businessman and graduate of The Gilbert School and Central Connecticut State University.

One Twenty One Fund | est. 2013
This fund supports charitable, scientific and educational initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.

Andrew Pike Memorial Fund | est. 2010
Established by family of the late Andrew Pike, this donor advised fund supports charitable endeavors in Northwest Connecticut.

John A. Ponte Memorial Fund | est. 2010
Established by Mr. Ponte’s friends and family, this fund is named for a popular Torrington businessman.

Rebensacla Fund | est. 2010
Established anonymously, this fund supports charitable initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.

JoAnn Ryan Fund | est. 2003
This fund was established to support various local charities.

Polly and Wesley Strand and James L. Holmes Fund for Programs for Women and Children | est. 2006
Torrington businesswoman Susan Strand established this fund to honor her late parents, Polly and Wesley Strand and her uncle James L. Holmes, for their devotion to community service.

The Suter Fund | est. 2010
This fund was established by William P. Suter of Lakeville to assist worthy charitable organizations in Northwest Connecticut.

Seth L.Tracy Memorial Fund for Special Needs | est. 2004
Established by the family of Seth Leo Tracy, this fund honors his memory with grants to organizations that serve individuals with special needs.

Barbara Oneglia Alvarez Tycienski Fund | est. 1994
This fund was established to support youth organizations within the Community Foundation’s service area.

Weigold Family Fund | est. 2001
This fund awards annual grants to nonprofit organizations that assist children with disabilities or terminal illnesses

The Women & Girls Fund | est. 1999
Established as a giving circle in 1999 by a small group of women who shared a concern for the real-life needs of local women and girls, the Women & Girls Fund has grown to more than 200 supporters who help women and girls develop skills, attain economic security, and improve their quality of life.

Youth Fund
Established in 2000 through the generosity of the Borghesi family, the Youth Fund supports the Community Foundation’s Youth in Philanthropy program, which serves to perpetuate community leadership by helping young people develop positive connections to their communities. The Youth in Philanthropy program is designed to give young people a platform for expression and innovation that can bring about new and sustainable solutions to community issues.Through their participation in school-based youth in philanthropy councils, students learn lifelong lessons about charitable giving and volunteering. They make annual grant recommendations to the Community Foundation based on their examination of issues impacting youth, in particular, and their community, in general, and also help to raise money for this endowed fund.

Designated Funds

Designated Funds are established to provide grants to specified nonprofit organizations in perpetuity. Often created by bequest, these funds ensure a steady stream of annual income to the fundholders favorite nonprofit organizations for as long as the nonprofit continues in the effective pursuit of its mission.

Mary H. Coutant Fund for Camp Rising Star | est. 2001
Established in recognition of Mary H. Coutant’s contributions to the community, this endowment supports programs that benefit at-risk children through the Winchester Youth Service Bureau aged 5 to 15 by encouraging healthy choices and goal-setting.

Gillian and Polly Fund | est. 2001
This endowed fund supports Trinity Episcopal Church in Torrington and the Susan B. Anthony Project.

Dr. John S. Glenn Fund for Nurses | est. 2000
Grants from this fund benefit clinical staff at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital.

Holley-Doremus Fund | est. 2010
Established by the late Mary Holley Doremus, of Harwinton, with the remainder of a trust created during her lifetime, this fund provides grants to a variety of area charitable organizations.

Keroden Designated Fund | est. 2002
Established anonymously, this fund provides support for clinical education at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital.

Litchfield Community Center Music Fund | est. 2002
Established by the late Dan North, this endowed fund supports danceable music programs held at the Litchfield Community Center.

Agency Funds

Agency Funds are established by nonprofits to support their charitable needs. The Community Foundation handles the management and stewardship of their charitable assets to enable a stable source of revenue for the nonprofit at low cost. This frees the nonprofit and its board of directors to concentrate on the pursuit of the nonprofit’s charitable mission.

American Legion Post 46 Fund for Goshen Community Care and Hospice, Inc. | est. 2008
Established with donations from the Legion post, this fund supports the work of Goshen Community Care and Hospice.

The Beekley Library Funds | est. 2010
This collection of designated agency funds supports capital improvements to the library and maintenance of the library’s piano and gardens.
The Licia and Mason Beekley Community Library Endowment Fund+
The Beekley Library Capital Fund
The Beekley Library Future Building Construction Fund
The Licia Beekley Garden and Winar Piano Fund

The Cancer Care Fund of the Litchfield Hills
This fund provides complementary therapy programs, such as massage therapy, oncology nutrition, social work services and yoga, and provides financial support for cancer patients in active treatment.

Chore Service Endowment Fund | est. 2009
This designated agency fund supports The Chore Service, Inc. in perpetuity, a nonprofit that helps senior and disabled residents of Canaan, Cornwall, Falls Village, Kent, Norfolk, Salisbury and Sharon stay at home safely and independently.

Cornwall Conservation Trust Funds | est. 2005-2009
These funds are used for land acquisition and management with the aim of preserving unspoiled open space for the benefit of the community at large. The Student Grants Fund provides scholarships to Region 1 students who demonstrate a concern for the environment.

Bennett Stewardship Fund Brokaw Stewardship Fund

Cooley Stewardship Fund

Dodd Stewardship Fund Endowment Fund

Fox/Lane Stewardship Fund

General Stewardship Hare Stewardship Fund

Hart Stewardship Fund

Hofer Stewardship Fund

Ives Stewardship Fund

Operating Fund

Prud'homme Stewardship Fund

Rattlesnake Preserve Stewardship Fund

Reserve Fund

Rogers Stewardship Fund

Selby Stewardship Fund

Student Grants Fund

Van Valkenburgh/Burkardt Stewardship Fund

Walker Stewardship Fund

The Cornwall Foundation General Fund | est. 2002
This fund supports The Cornwall Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for residents of Cornwall.

Cornwall Historical Society Funds
This endowed fund supports the charitable, scientific and educational mission of the Cornwall Historical Society with current income and long-term stability.

Cornwall Historical Society Endowment Fund | est. 2012

Cornwall Historical Society-Norman Dorsen Fund | est. 2014

Cornwall Library Endowment Fund | est. 2008
Established through the Edwards Community Endowment Project, this permanent fund contributes to the Library’s long-term stability.

Five Points Gallery Fund | est. 2013
This non-endowed fund was established to support the charitable purposes of Five Points Gallery.

Friends of Hospice Funds | est. 2002 and 2007
Multiple agency funds are used to support Friends of Hospice, the foremost provider of services for terminally ill residents of Litchfield, Harwinton and Torrington:

Friends of Hospice General Fund

Friends of Hospice Mildred S. Pascale Fund

Friends of Hospice Rockefeller Fund

Goshen Community Care and Hospice Fund | est. 2005
Proceeds from this fund are used to help finance health care in the town of Goshen, especially for the elderly and chronically ill.

Goshen Historical Society Funds
These agency funds support the long-term needs and capital needs of the Goshen Historical Society.

Goshen Historical Society Capital Fund | est. 2011
Goshen Historical Society Endowment Fund | est. 2008

Goshen Public Library Endowment Fund | est. 2006
This fund supports the Goshen Public Library in perpetuity.

Bernice H. Harmon Hospice Fund | est. 2012
This endowed fund provides current income and long-term protection for the operations of the Goshen Community Care and Hospice, Inc.

Harwinton Library Friends Fund | est. 2012
This fund supports the Harwinton Public Library as well as charitable scientific or educational initiatives in Harwinton.

Heritage Land Preservation Trust Funds | est. 2008
These funds support the charitable purposes of the Heritage Land Preservation Trust:

Heritage Land Preservation Trust Endowment Fund

Heritage Land Preservation Trust Fund

Heritage Land Preservation Trust Northwoods Fund

Theodore A. Hungerford Memorial Museum Association Endowment Fund | est. 2010
This designated agency fund supports the museum and its mission in perpetuity.

Litchfield Community Center Reserve Fund | est. 2014
This agency fund supports the operations and capital needs of the Litchfield Community Center and its charitable, social, and educational initiatives.

Litchfield Garden Club Centennial Fund | est. 2013
This agency fund was established to further the Litchfield Garden Club’s charitable mission to educate members and the public in scientific and artistic methods of gardening, stimulate interest in horticulture, encourage and assist in civic beautification, raise environmental awareness and protect and conserve our national and historic heritage.

The Little Guild Funds
These funds provide for long-term needs and support the charitable efforts of The Little Guild of Saint Francis, and provide protection for operations and support the charitable efforts of the shelter for homeless pets located in West Cornwall.

The Little Guild Endowment Fund | est. 2011 The Little Guild Operational Fund | est. 2012

Northwestern CTYMCA Funds | est. 2007 These agency funds provide operational support and perpetuate the charitable purposes of the Northwestern Connecticut YMCA and support the YMCA’s efforts to nurture the development and leadership potential of area children and teens:
Northwestern CTYMCA Fund
Northwestern CTYMCA Designated Project Fund
Northwestern CTYMCA Endowment Fund
Northwestern CTYMCA Youth Leadership Fund

Railroad Museum of New England Hazel Koch Fund | est. 2005
This fund supports the Railroad Museum of New England in perpetuity.

The River Stewards of Tomorrow Fund | est. 2009
Proceeds from this designated agency endowment support the Housatonic Valley Association’s conservation efforts by educating and training future generations to be stewards of the environment.

Sharon Land Trust Funds | est. 2014
These Funds supports the protection and preservation of lands with special scenic, natural, environmental, recreational, historic, or agricultural value to the rural atmosphere of the town of Sharon. The Sharon Land Trust Mary Moore Fund provides land stewardship for the nature preserve or sanctuary bequeathed to the Sharon Land Trust by Mary Moore.
Sharon Land Trust Endowment Fund
Sharon Land Trust Mary Moore Fund
Sharon Land Trust Stewardship & Protection

The Sharon Woman's Club Scholarship Fund | est. 2014
This fund furthers the charitable mission of the Sharon Woman’s Club to stimulate and encourage all efforts toward intellectual and social betterment in the home and in the community.

Susan B.Anthony Project Funds | est. 2007 These funds support the Susan B. Anthony Project and its affiliated agencies. Susan B. Anthony Project promotes safety, healing, and growth for all survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and advocates for the autonomy of women and the end of interpersonal violence.
Susan B. Anthony Project Capital Improvement Reserve Fund
Susan B. Anthony Project Endowment Fund

The Taconic Learning Center Fund | est. 2014
This agency fund supports the charitable mission of the Taconic Learning Center to provide the opportunity and resources for lifelong education and self-development for residents of Northwest Connecticut and adjacent communities in New York and Massachusetts.

Lee Tangarone Memorial Fund for Children's Programs and Collections | est. 2012
This non-endowed fund supports children's books, materials and programming at the Licia & Mason Beekley Community Library.

Torrington-Winsted Rotary Fund | est. 2002
The Torrington Rotary established this fund to support its continued service to the community.

Torrington Veteran's Memorial Wall Fund | est. 2013
This fund supports the maintenance of the Veteran's Memorial Wall located at 140 Main Street,Torrington as well as the Association's charitable work to honor and memorialize local veterans and educate the public about the role of local veterans throughout history.

United Way Funds
These Funds support the local United Way’s ongoing operations and support agency operations:
United Way of Northwest Connecticut’s “1943 Society” Fund | est. 2005
United Way of Northwest CT Unrestricted Operating Fund | est. 2011

Washington Art Association, Inc. Endowed Fund | est. 2009
This designated agency fund was established to support the charitable purposes of the Washington Art Association.

Winsted Area Child Care Center Endowment Fund | est. 2012
This fund provides current income and long-term security for the Winsted Area Child Care Center.

Wisdom House Endowment Fund | est. 2004
This endowment provides funding to support the mission of Wisdom House, a center for spiritual growth since 1949.

YMCA Camp Mohawk / Arlene Foulds Memorial Fund | est. 2008
This fund, established in memory of Arlene Foulds, supports the YMCA’s Camp Mohawk for girls.

YMCA Camp Mohawk / Cindy Morse Leadership Development Fund | est. 2006
Proceeds from this fund, established in memory of Cindy Morse and her inspirational leadership as a director and trustee of the camp, are used to support the YMCA’s Camp Mohawk for Girls in perpetuity.

Scholarship and Academic Award Funds

Scholarship and Academic Award Funds are established to support educational purposes. Fundholders can restrict a scholarship fund to students attending a specific educational instituti n or pursuing specific courses of study. Community Foundation staff work with guidance counselors and coaches to locate eligible students, facilitate the application process and award recipients.

Mary Ellen Adamo Scholarship Fund | est. 2004
Established by the family of Mary Ellen Adamo to honor her memory, this fund provides tuition assistance to female students at Torrington’s Nutmeg Conservatory for the Arts.

Russell Anderson, Carmen Brooks Anderson and Henry Vail Brooks Scholarship Fund | est. 2000
This fund provides scholarships to graduating seniors from Torrington High School who plan to major in industrial arts, teaching or nursing. Recipients are chosen based on financial need, academic excellence, character and citizenship.

Betsy L. Bertoli Scholarship Fund | est. 2001
Recipients of this scholarship are graduates of Torrington High School who plan to pursue a career in accounting or business administration/management.

Mae Casali Bonvicini Scholarship Fund | est. 2001
This scholarship was established to benefit outstanding graduates of Torrington High School with financial need who are pursuing degrees at four-year colleges or technical schools.

Fred and Josephine Bruni Scholarship Fund | est. 2011
Established by family of the late Fred Bruni, this fund provides scholarship support for area students pursuing post-secondary degrees.

Russell F. Bruno Scholarship Fund | est. 2001
This fund provides an annual award to a Torrington High School graduate who has excelled in English and plans to pursue college studies in writing, literature, journalism or related fields.

Jack and Ruth Calder Scholarship Fund | est. 2002
This scholarship benefits a deserving high school graduate from Barkhamsted, Colebrook, Goshen, Hartland, Harwinton, Litchfield, New Hartford, Norfolk,Torrington or Winsted.

Steven A. Chupka Memorial Scholarship Fund | est. 2001
Recipients are graduates of Oliver Wolcott Technical High School who demonstrate financial need, academic merit and community service. Preference may be given to students with an academic focus in electronics, but students pursuing other fields of study also are eligible to apply.

Peter G. Cerruto Memorial Fund | est. 2004
Established by family and friends, this fund honors the memory of Mr. Cerruto, a life-long Torrington resident, and a World War II and Normandy Invasion veteran.

Tim Considine Memorial Scholarship Fund | est. 2013
Established in honor of beloved community member Tim Considine, the fund provides support to Torrington residents currently enrolled as seniors in a high school or vocational technical school who are seeking admission to an accredited university.
Preference is given to students who participate in school and/or organized sports while demonstrating academic achievement, and a commitment to organized religion and display exemplary character through either extracurricular accomplishments or community service.

Dick Cooke Memorial Scholarship Fund | est. 2001
This fund benefits Torrington High School graduates who demonstrate financial need, academic merit and community service.

Cornwall Conservation Trust Student Grants Fund | est. 2008
The Student Grants Fund provides scholarships to Region 1 students who demonstrate a concern for the environment.

Jeannine and Gerald Coutu Memorial Fund | est. 2008
This fund was established by the three Coutu children in honor of their parents, longtime residents of Canton.

Frances H. Ducci Scholarship Fund | est. 2003
Mrs. Ducci, who was a resident of New Hartford, established this endowed scholarship fund to benefit graduates of a public high school who reside in the Community Foundation’s service area.

Marion Wm. Edwards Scholarship Fund | est. 2000
This scholarship benefits Torrington High School graduates who are continuing in Italian studies.

Charles and Pierina Fossati Scholarship Fund | est. 2009
Established through a bequest by Eleanor Fossati in memory of her parents, this scholarship is awarded to Torrington High School graduates who demonstrate financial need, exemplary character and academic achievement.

Scholarship Fund | est. 2000
Recipients are Torrington residents of Italian descent entering their junior or senior year of college who are majoring in political science, government, history or pre-law.

Diane and Jeff Johnson Scholarship Fund | est. 2009
This scholarship fund benefits Goshen residents based on financial need and extracurricular accomplishments.

Earle R. Julian Scholarship Fund | est. 2005
Established by Elizabeth Julian in memory of her late brother, this scholarship benefits past graduates of St. Anthony School who plan to pursue a career in accounting.

Kenneth K. Mills Scholarship Fund | est. 2006
Per the will of Mr. Mills, this fund provides scholarships to Shepaug Valley Regional High School graduates who will be attending Rutgers University.

Chuck Pataky Memorial Scholarship Fund | est. 2012
This scholarship supports graduating senior(s) at Torrington High School who participate in athletics and demonstrate exceptional character, effort, and determination despite challenging life circumstances.

Michele Farley Pittler Scholarship Fund | est. 2002
This memorial fund provides scholarships to Torrington High School graduates based on financial need, academic merit and community service.

Friends of John Ponte Memorial Scholarship Fund | est. 2010
Established in tribute to a prominent Torrington businessman and community activist who died unexpectedly in 2004 at age 44, this fund provides scholarship support for graduating high school athletes who exemplify traits possessed by Mr. Ponte, including character, leadership, scholarship and athletic achievement.

Alan Silano Memorial Scholarship Fund | est. 2007
This fund was established in memory of Torrington educator Alan Silano.

Arthur R. Smith Scholarship Fund | est. 2001
This fund was established in memory of a venerable teacher at The South Kent School. Each year, the faculty designates a scholarship recipient who exemplifies traits possessed by Mr. Smith, including intellectual curiosity, moral integrity and a sense of humor.

Southwest School Scholarship in Memory of Marion Wm. Edwards Fund | est. 2000
Established in memory of Marion Wm. Edwards by his wife, the late Alice Fabro Edwards, this fund makes an annual award to a Torrington High School graduate who also graduated from Southwest Elementary School in Torrington.

Apolonia Stanulis Scholarship Fund | est. 1997
Through a bequest in his will,Vincent J. Stanulis established this endowment to honor his mother. Recipients are residents of the Community Foundation’s service area who are entering any year of undergraduate or graduate school.

Torrington High School Scholarship Funds:
This collection of scholarships supports the continuing education of graduates of Torrington High School.
Anthony "Frank" Amicone Memorial Fund
Stephen G. Andre Memorial Scholarship Fund
Regina Tate Balfe Memorial Nursing Fund
David R. Bennett Scholarship Fund
Rose Brennan Memorial Social Studies Fund
Erman Cavagnero Memorial Scholarship Fund
Fred J. Coffin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Shawn Collins Memorial Scholarship Fund
Eva M. Coty Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joseph E. Cravanzola Memorial Scholarship Fund
Helen H. Dautrich Scholarship Fund
John Denza Memorial Scholarship Fund
Cornelius Donahue Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert G. Doyle Memorial Scholarship Fund
East School PTO Robert Kelly Scholarship Fund
Lucy Eucalitto Memorial Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth & Santo Fainelli Scholarship Fund
Joseph Farrington Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kathleen T. Finn Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert H. Frost Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bob and Ray Good Scholarship Fund
Florence Hakalski Scholarship Fund
Michael G. Haschak Scholarship Fund
Frank Kalinowski Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert J. Lariviere, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Torrington Lithuanian Mutual Benefit Club Scholarship Fund
Robert C. & Margaret G. Lizotte Art Scholarship Fund
Joanne C. Lopardo Memorial Softball Scholarship Fund
Julia McDonnell/Henry Fries Scholarship Fund
Frank "Frankie" J. McGowan, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. James McKenna Scholarship Fund
James Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Victor Muschell, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
North School PTO Scholarship Fund
Nursing/Industrial Arts Scholarship Fund
Piemontese Club Memorial Scholarship Fund
Camille Radocchio Memorial Scholarship Fund
Leonard Rendino Scholarship Fund
Joseph and Bernice Repas Scholarship Fund
Margaret Ringstad Riefe Scholarship Fund
Cpl. Gerald J. Roberts Art Scholarship Fund
Torrington High School Pooled Scholarship Fund
Dr. Shenoi & Family Scholarship
Jeff Stannard Memorial Scholarship Fund
THS Student Council Scholarship Fund
Nellie J. Sullivan Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mariantonia Tate Memorial Allied Health Scholarship Fund
Mollie and Louis Temkin Valedictory Award Fund
Frederick J.Wilcox Sportsmanship Scholarship Fund

Torrington UNICO Foundation Scholarships | est. 2010
A composite of 14 annual awards named for prominent community leaders and UNICO members, these scholarships assist area youth with the cost of higher education in perpetuity.

Albert C. and Rose Turri Scholarship Fund | est. 2010
Established by family of the late Albert C.Turri, this scholarship supports area students pursuing postsecondary degrees in the fields of electrical engineering or electronics.The fund honors Mr.Turri’s legacy as founder of Turri Electric Co. in 1946.

United Nations Association of NW Connecticut Scholarship for International Cooperation | est. 2009
Established in memory of Lisl C. Standen, this scholarship benefits graduates of public high schools in Northwest Connecticut. Recipients demonstrate academic merit, interest in international issues, foreign language proficiency and a commitment to social betterment.

Westside School Association/Harry Arsego Memorial Scholarship Fund | est. 2001
This scholarship is used to assist students attending the Warner Center for Performing Arts with tuition expenses.

James P. and Mildred Gregg Zucco Scholarship Fund | est. 2001
Recipients are graduates of The Gilbert School, Oliver Wolcott Technical High School and Northwest Regional District 7 High School. Selection is based on financial need, academic merit, and community service.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) provide income for you or a family member for a fixed number of years then the balance is transferred to the Community Foundation to be used toward your charitable goals.

Joshua Girolimon CRT Fund | est. 2010
This Fund was established by the family of Joshua Girolimon to support his medical needs during his lifetime. In the future, the Foundation will use proceeds from the remainder of the trust to support nonprofits in his honor.

Frank and Vivienne Vanoni CRT Fund | est.2005
Established by Dr.Vanoni and his late wife,Vivienne, this fund provides income for Dr. Vanoni during his lifetime. In the future, the Foundation will use proceeds from the remainder of the trust to support nonprofits in their honor.


Since 1969, the Community Foundation of Northwest Connecticut has collaborated with fundholders, donors, and nonprofit and community leaders to facilitate grant making that is responsive to community needs and opportunities and thoughtfully and effectively addresses important issues.

The Community Foundation provides funding for a variety of programs and services based on the needs and interests of our Northwest Corner.

Community Leadership Fund
Each year,The Community Foundation asks individuals and families within our Northwest Corner to partner with the Community Foundation to support arts and culture, healthcare, education, human services, animal care and land conservation.The collective charitable gifts provided through the Annual Appeal are vital to support the operating expenses of the Community Foundation.

Brooks Bank Fund One of the first to be established at the Community Foundation, this fund was initiated by employees of the Torrington based Brooks Bank, which subsequently merged with Colonial Bank and Trust Company.

Northwest Connecticut Arts Council (as fiscal sponsor) | $1,000 to support the international recording project Song Book World

John Brooks Fund A prominent Torrington banker, Mr. Brooks established this endowment to assist area nonprofit organizations in perpetuity.

Chore Service, Inc. | $250 sponsorship grant to support the 2014 Summer Garden Party Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $350 to support the summer internship program for students in the six towns of the Region One school district (total grant $1,800 with $1,450 from the Eva M. Coty Fund)

Susan A. Bruso Memorial Fund
Established in memory of Ms. Bruso, a Winsted resident who worked for many years in the technology industry, this fund supports charities in Norfolk and also awards annual scholarships to Botelle Elementary School graduates.

Botelle Elementary School graduates: Samantha Miller and Miles Hall | $50

The Buchanan Fund
A gift from the William E. and Josephine B. Buchanan Family Foundation, Inc., established this donor advised fund, which supports area charitable organizations.

Bank Street College of Education | $2,000 in support of the Division of Institutional Advancement Cornwall Historical Society | $1,000 to support the Cornwall Historical Endowment Fund Crescendo, Inc. | $1,500 in support of the organization and its mission Housatonic Valley Association | $1,500 in support of the organization and its mission TriArts at the Sharon Playhouse | $2,500 in support of the organization and its mission United Church of Christ in Cornwall | $10,000 in support of the organization and its mission United Church of Christ in Cornwall | $2,000 in support of the North Cornwall Meeting House Preservation Project

Miriam Mason Cable Trust Fund
Established by Peter Cable, of Harwinton, in honor of his wife, this field of interest fund provides support for human service organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life for residents of the Greater Torrington area.

Torrington Police Athletic League | $5,200 to support PAL's 4-week day camp at Camp Layton Rose in Bantam

Robert Venn Carr, Jr. Fund
Founder of the Litchfield County Insurance and Travel Agency in Torrington, Mr. Carr established this endowed fund as a token of his appreciation and to enhance the quality of life for the people of the community.

Torrington Public Schools | $4,000 to support the expansion of the KIDSMARATHON program, a component of Fit Together, promoting health and nutrition to school children

Robert V. Carr Fund
This unrestricted fund directs much of its support to health and human service organizations, the library, and to organizations engaged in the promotion of the arts and the beautification of the community.

Beardsley & Memorial Library | $2,360 to support a collaborative project with the Northwestern Connecticut Community College Library to present "Laurel City Celebrates" Falls Village-Canaan Historical Society | $1,500 to support improvements to display cases and overall enhancements to the presentation of exhibits (total grant $5,000 with $3,000 from the Marion Wm. & Alice Edwards and $500 from the Eva M. Coty Fund)

Marion Isabell Coe Fund | est. 1998
Grants (made possible by funding from the Bank of America) from this trust fund assist under-resourced residents of Litchfield, Warren, Morris, and Goshen, with preference for Litchfield residents.

Grants Catholic Charities - Archdiocese of Hartford | $500 to support the enhancement of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) infrastructure of the Torrington Family Service Center (total grant $1,000 with $500 from the Roberta Lee August Fund)

Eva M. Coty Fund | est. 1998
This fund was established by bequest to enhance the quality of life for citizens of Litchfield County.

Falls Village-Canaan Historical Society | $500 to support improvements to display cases and overall enhancements to the presentation of exhibits (total grant $5,000 with $1,500 from the Robert V. Carr Fund and $3,000 from the Marion Wm. & Alice Edwards)

Farmington River Watershed Association | $4,000 to support a student-involved initiative to install landscape features to retain and percolate runoff entering the Still River on the NW CT Community College campus (total grant $5,000 with $1,000 from the Northwest Connecticut Philanthropy Fund in memory of Robin Connor)

Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $1,450 to support the summer internship program for students in the six towns of the Region One school district (total grant $1,800 with $350 from the John Brooks Fund)

LARC, Inc. | $3,100 to purchase archery and disc golf equipment for Camp MOE

Mary H. Coutant Fund for Camp Rising Star
Serving at-risk children aged 5 to 15, the club encourages healthy choices and goal-setting.


$1,000 and above

Dr. Roger Coutant


Sandra Roberts

Winchester Youth Service Bureau | $1,075 in support of the organization

Critter Fund
Established by he Community Foundation in 2005, this endowed fund supports charitable organizations in Northwest Connecticut dedicated to animal welfare.The Critter Fund assists with shelter, rescue and adoption, training, prevention of cruelty, spaying and neutering, elderly companionship, services to the disabled and wildlife preservation. Animals play a vital role in our quality of life and, as such, are worthy of human concern and empathy. Supporters of the Critter Fund are dedicated to this premise and, by contributing to the fund, demonstrate their support of animal-related causes.


$1,000 and above

The Katharine Bradford Foundation $100-$249

Carol S. Lugar

Torrington Winsted Area Rotary Club and Roberta Lee August

Up to $99

Jean Anderson | in honor of Roberta Lee August Gayle Campbell | in memory of Walter L.J. Adorno Kidd Group/3W Studios

Lourena and Arnold Helt | in memory of Patty JoAnn August

Jill O’Brien | in honor of the O'Brien Family

Marcia Potter

Ruth and Robert Cron Endowment Fund
Established anonymously, this fund honors the memory of Ruth E. Cron.


Center Congregational Church | $1,650 to contribute to the cost of meals provided by the Community Dinner program

Northwestern Regional High School | $3,850 to support the purchase of tools for the FIRST Robotics Team

Draper Foundation Fund
The late Jim and Shirley Draper’s gift of $30 million will forever serve as a testament to their exceptional kindness and generosity. One of the largest single gifts on record to a community foundation in the state of Connecticut, the fund benefits mainly local charitable organizations by making yearly grants to 19 nonprofits named by the Drapers, and through annual donor advised grants.


Estate of James L. Draper, Jr.


Beardsley & Memorial Library | $91,250 in two grants in support of the organization

Colebrook Associates | $8,750 in two grants in support of the organization

Colebrook Historical Society | $5,000 in two grants in support of the organization

Colebrook Congregational Church | $18,750 in two grants in support of the organization

Colebrook Senior & Community Center | $5,000 to support the purchase and maintenance of a multi- passenger van

Community Mental Health Affiliates, Inc. | $15,000 to support evidence-based trauma-informed care for children and youth in the Draper Foundation’s service area

Cornell University for the Cornell Feline Health Center College of Vet Medicine | $8,750 in two grants in support of the organization

Education Connection | $4,000 to support the Home Daycare Provider Professional Development Program

FISH of Northwestern Connecticut | $10,000 to support operating expenses and case management for Brooker House, transitional housing for homeless families at the FISH Homeless Shelter

FISH of Northwestern Connecticut | $3,400 to support the launch of a program to focus on the health, fitness and well-being of children and women in the shelter

Greenwoods Scholarship Foundation, Inc. | $55,000 in two grants in support of the organization

Helping Hands Chore Service, Inc. | $16,000 to support funding for program expansion and transportation

LARC, Inc. | $10,000 to support scholarships for Camp MOE

LARC, Inc. | $8,000 to support the conversion of the main LARC facility from oil to natural gas

Last Post Cat Refuge (Vivisection Investigation League) | $110,000 in two grants in support of the organization

Little Guild of Saint Francis | $110,000 in two grants in support of the organization.

The McCall Foundation | $14,305 to purchase a vehicle to transport clients to and from treatment programs

New Beginnings of Northwest Hills Litchfield County, Inc. | $30,000 to support the replacement of a spiral staircase with a standard staircase and installation of a fire marshal approved door to serve as a second exit

New Beginnings of Northwest Hills Litchfield County, Inc. | $165,000, in two payments, to support the purchase of a building to house The Gathering Place, A Homeless Drop-In Center

Northwestern Connecticut Community College | $92,500 in two grants in support of the organization

Northwest Connecticut YMCA | $55,000 in two grants in support of the organization

Northwest Senior Housing Corporation | $13,250 to support one-quarter of the cost and installation of an automatic standby generator

Prime Time House | $10,150 to support necessary computer upgrades and a cloud-based phone system

Salvation Army-Estate Admin | $36,250 in two grants in support of the organization

Susan B. Anthony Project | $25,000 to support the Rebuilding Lives and Community Education Programs

Tufts University School of Veterinarian Medicine | $8,750 in two grants in support of the organization

University of Connecticut Foundation, Inc. | $61,250 in two grants in support of the organization

University of Connecticut Foundation | $121,250 in two grants in support of scholarships

Warner Theatre | $4,250 to support the replacement of the light board and related accessories in the Nancy Marine Studio Theatre

We Adopt Greyhounds, Inc. | $36,250 in two grants in support of the organization

Winchester Youth Service Bureau | $23,750 in two grants in support of the organization

Winchester Youth Service Bureau | $8,000 to support the Juvenile Review Board program for first-time, non-violent juvenile offenders

Winsted Area Child Care Center | $23,750 in two grants in support of the organization

Winsted Area Child Care Center | $16,150 to support the purchase of the Creative Curriculum program series and resource materials to benefit infants through preschool children

Winsted Area Child Care Center | $21,800 to support building improvements at the Prospect Street and Lake Street locations

W. L. Gilbert Trust Corporation | $36,250 in two grants in support of the organization

Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue | $8,750 in two grants in support of the organization

Food Pantry, Soup Kitchen and Homeless Program Grants

Church of Christ Congregational Norfolk | $500 Center Congregational Church | $500 Community Food Bank | $1,000

Community Soup Kitchen of Torrington, Inc. | $2,500 Connecticut Food Bank | $1,000 for food pantries in Torrington, Barkhamsted, Colebrook, New Hartford, Norfolk and Winsted

FISH of Northwestern Connecticut | $3,000 in two grants

Friendly Hands Food Bank, Inc. | $2,500 Hands of Grace | $1,000

Litchfield Hills Elderly Nutrition Program | $2,000 The Open Door | $2,000

Salvation Army of Torrington | $1,500

Salvation Army Winsted Regional Service Center | $1,500

Winsted United Methodist Church | $1,000

Year-end Critical Needs Grants

Barkhamsted Senior Center | $300 Batcheller Early Education Center | $1,000 Center Congregational Church | $800

Church of Christ Congregational Norfolk | $1,500 Colebrook Senior & Community Center | $1,000 Community Food Bank | $200

Community Soup Kitchen of Torrington, Inc. | $1,500 Family Resource Center at Vogel-Wetmore School | $750

FISH of Northwestern Connecticut | $1,000 Friendly Hands Food Bank, Inc. | $1,000 Helping Hands Chore Service, Inc. | $500 Litchfield Hills Elderly Nutrition Program | $500 The McCall Foundation | $500

Northwest Connecticut YMCA, Winsted Branch | $500

Prime Time House | $1,000

Salvation Army of Torrington | $2,000 Susan B. Anthony Project | $1,000

Torrington Area Council of Churches Emergency Fund | $600

Torrington Area Youth Service Bureau | $750 Winchester Center Congregational Church | $600 Winchester Youth Service Bureau | $750

Winsted Area Child Care Center | $750 Winsted United Methodist Church | $1,500

The Echo Valley Foundation Fund
Established anonymously, this donor advised fund supports charitable, scientific or educational initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.


Project A.L.S. | $10,000 in support of the organization

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation | $10,500 in support of the organization

Marion Wm. & Alice Edwards Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, both educators with a long history of civic involvement, were dedicated to learning and devoted to Torrington.The fund, established by a bequest of $2.75 million, supports the crucial work of nonprofit organizations for generations.


Audubon Sharon | $2,400 to support the wildlife rehabilitation program by covering the cost of live insects and special formulas for very young or highly debilitated birds (total grant $3,000 with $600 from Pierpont Chapter #49 Order of Eastern Star Fund)

Beardsley & Memorial Library | $1,000 matching grant in support of tuition for the LEAP Program by Danosky & Associates, LLC

Canaan Child Care Center, Inc. | $1,000 to a purchase a security system

The Community Foundation of Northwest Connecticut, Inc. | $6,500 to support the purchase of a new computer server and spam filter

Covenant to Care for Children | $1,000 matching grant in support of tuition for the LEAP Program by Danosky & Associates, LLC

Falls Village-Canaan Historical Society | $3,000 to support improvements to display cases and overall enhancements to the presentation of exhibits (total grant $5,000 with $1,500 from the Robert V. Carr Fund and $500 from the Eva M. Coty Fund)

Housatonic Valley Association | $840 to build public participation and support for National Wild & Scenic River designation for the area

Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $1,000 matching grant in support of tuition for the LEAP Program by Danosky & Associates, LLC

LARC, Inc. | $2,000 matching grant in support of tuition for the LEAP Program by Danosky & Associates, LLC

The McCall Foundation | $1,000 matching grant in support of tuition for the LEAP Program by Danosky & Associates, LLC

Music Mountain | $21,000 to support repair and restoration of the foundation of Gordon Hall

New Beginnings of Northwest Hills Litchfield County, Inc. | $21,000 to support capital expenditures for the Gathering Place, drop-in center for the homeless. (total grant $25,000 with $4,000 from the Northwest Connecticut Philanthropy Fund through the Margaret D. Reventlow Charitable Remainder Trust)

Susan B. Anthony Project | $1,000 matching grant in support of tuition for the LEAP Program by Danosky & Associates, LLC

Torrington Police Activity League, Inc. | $1,000 matching grant in support of tuition for the LEAP Program by Danosky & Associates, LLC

Warner Theatre | $1,000 matching grant in support of tuition for the LEAP Program by Danosky & Associates, LLC

Winsted Area Child Care Center | $1,000 matching grant in support of tuition for the LEAP Program by Danosky & Associates, LLC

Year-end Critical Needs Grants

Bethlehem Food Bank | $500

Bronc Callahan Community Fund, Inc. | $1,000 Canaan Child Care Center, Inc. | $1,200 Catholic Charities, Inc. | $400

Chore Service, Inc. | $500

The Corner Food Pantry | $1,000 Cornwall Food and Fuel Fund | $1,200

Falls Village Emergency Relief/Fuel Fund | $1,500 Falls Village Senior Center | $500

Family & Children's Aid, Inc. | $500 Fishes & Loaves Food Pantry | $1,500

Goshen Community Care & Hospice | $400 Goshen Good Neighbor Fund | $750 Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $500 Town of Kent Social Services | $1,000 Litchfield Hills Chore Service | $500

Mental Health Association of Connecticut | $750 North Canaan Social Services | $500 Northwest Corner Fuel Bank | $1,300 Salisbury Visiting Nurse Association | $800 Sharon Community Foundation, Inc. | $1,000 The Warren Good Neighbor Fund | $1,000 Washington Community Fund, Inc. | $1,000

Women’s Support Services | $700

The Emeritus Fund
Proceeds from this field of interest fund, which honors past members of the Community Foundation’s Board of Directors for their dedicated service, support the efforts of local nonprofits to enhance their governance.


Up to $99

Victoria and Fran Patrick | in memory of Khurshed Bhumgara Patty and Guy Rovezzi | in

honor of John Janco and Rose Ponte and in memory of Khurshed Bhumgara

First National Bank of Litchfield Fund

This endowment supports the Foundation and the communities it serves in perpetuity.


Friends of Goshen Public Library | $250 sponsorship in support of the Captain Luis Carlos Montalvan event

Fleet General Fund


Harwinton Land Conservation Trust | $750 to purchase trees to replace those uprooted by a windstorm (total grant $950 with

$200 from the Bank of Boston Fund)

Friends Helping Children Fund
Torrington residents created this endowed fund to assist children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.



Tony’s Drive-In Package Store

Friends of New Hartf Fund



Ellen and David Childs Shawn Guertin | through the Aetna Foundation


Ann and Travers Auburn


Patricia and Keith Rogozinski Jane Whitney


Jane and Matthew Allyn Peter M. Bakker Agency, Inc. Anita and William Baxter Elaine and James Bourgoin Elaine and Richard Carmelich Irene and Roger Dietlin Michele Fern

Stacey and John Fitch Nancy Gibson

Sanita Gingras William and Sue Hall Herbert H. Hedick Amy Hudak

Hurley Manufacturing Wendy and Alan Jacobs Katherine and Jim Kinane

Melanie Kirkpatrick and Jack David Margot and David Krimmel Timothy Lyman and Alden Smith Madeline McClave and

Richard Frieder Mary New

Nancy and Norman Rogers Caren and Gordon Ross Andrea and Todd Russo Syntac Coated Products, LLC Robin and Richard Weiss Regina Wexler

Virginia and Robert Worrest

Up to $99

Sally Austin-Fitzpatrick

Anne Bailey Janice Budney

Patricia and Larry Cassella Constance Cather

Maryann and Edward Chicoski Josephine and Arthur Cisco Janice Crovo

Jean Darlington and Eduardo Marchena Delicate Designs

Denise and Michael Devins Tina DiFabio

Eloise and Richard Farmer Thomas Field

Jennifer and David Gallaway Kathleen and Michael Grimaud John W. Harrison, Jr.

Vicki and Ken Hawkins Larry Hilt

Genevieve and Victor Jarm Christina and Erik Jassen Terry and Matthew Klim Donna and Michael Koether Patty and Richard Marshall Priscilla and Robert Marshall Marilyn and Frank McCarty Brenda and Linden Morassini Sheila and Paul Moses Helena Mubarek

Kathryn Noble-Kline and Ira Kline Patricia and James Okrongly

Julie and Andrew Ossolinski Barbara and Eric Ottoson Susan and Donal Phillips Debra and Robert Ponzi Caryl and Anthony Pucino

Karin Schneider and Robert Krzys Sheila Smith

Barbara and Clifford Sterrett Frances and Mark Stoffer

Betty and Theodore Stoutenberg Robert Tonkin

Victoria Usher Evelyn Waldron

Raimie Weber

Lucia Tuttle Fritz Fund
A lifelong resident of Torrington, Mrs. Fritz established this unrestricted fund through a bequest.


Covenant to Care for Children | $3,000 to support the collaboration to bring urgently needed tangible goods to at-risk children

The McCall Foundation | $5,000 in support of creating a strategic plan for the agency

Carlton D. Fyler and Jenny R. Fyler Fund
The Fylers created this endowment for public charitable use through a bequest in their wills.


After School Arts Program | $4,000 to support the interdistrict arts education program, Music for the Schools (MFS), in partnership with the Waterbury Symphony Orchestra for the benefit of all K-12 students in Torrington Public Schools

Bethlehem Elementary School | $1,500 to provide matching funds for a fundraising campaign to purchase a portable stage

CAFTA Connecticut Academy For The Arts | $2,100 to support the CAFTA Extended Day Program for the Visual Arts

The Discovery Center | $2,000 to provide Diversity Academy workshops to benefit 180 fifth-grade students in Torrington

Falls Village Day Care Center | $5,000 to support the purchase of playground equipment for the pre- school area

Falls Village Children's Theater Company | $4,000 to support the Company's 10-year anniversary production of The Wizard of Oz

Junior Achievement of SW New England | $2,600 to support a portion of Junior Achievement programming in Torrington for the 2014-2015 academic year

Northwest Community Collaborative (KidsPlay Children's Museum) | $20,000 in two disbursements to partially fund the construction of a literacy tree house in the KidsPlay Children's Museum

Northwest Connecticut YMCA | $1,500 to support the FIT together program for youth

Pleasant Valley Children's Center | $6,000 to support the purchase of the Outlast Preschool Block Set plus storage shed for the new PVCC playground

Salvation Army of Torrington | $1,100 to support the Backpack Program, ensuring that all school-aged children have backpacks and school supplies to begin the school year (total grant $2,100 with $1,000 from the Torrington Club Fund)

School on the Green | $1,800 to support the construction of a fence surrounding the outdoor play scape

Torrington Historical Society (as fiscal sponsor) | $3,500 to support Treasures of the Litchfield Hills: A Media Marketing Initiative

Torrington Little League | $2,550 to purchase three AED (automated external defibrillator) machines, training, and CPR certification for users

Torrington Police Activity League, Inc. | $9,500 to support building and development of the PAL Everyday Heroes program

Torrington Public Schools | $5,000 to support Camp Invention, a one-week enrichment program for 4th through 6th graders

TriArts at the Sharon Playhouse | $4,000 to support scholarships for area children to attend the Youtheatre Program

Warren Church Community Childcare | $1,500 to support the installation of a security door

YMCA Camp Mohawk, Inc. | $5,000 to support the capital campaign to renovate the main bathroom facility (a.k.a. the Lighthouse)

Jim & Nancy Garfield Fund for the Arts
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Garfield, this fund supports the areas cultural life.



Ann and Sandy Mazeau


Joyful Noise, Inc. | $200 to support the organization's mission

Northwest Community Collaborative (KidsPlay Children's Museum) | $200 to support the lighting system

Warner Theatre | $200 to support the organization's mission

Gillian and Polly Fund
This endowed fund supports Trinity Episcopal Church in Torrington and the Susan B.Anthony Project.


Susan B. Anthony Project | $325 in support of the organization

Richard M. Gilman Memorial Fund | est. 2003 Mary Gilman began this fund to carry on the work of her late husband, Richard, whose efforts to help people extended from Torrington to Zimbabwe.



Sally Bergad

Dr. John S. Glenn Fund for Nurses | est. 2000
Grants from this fund are used to benefit clinical staff a Charlotte Hungerford Hospital.


Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration | $1,300 for the education of nurses

Holley-Doremus Fund | est. 2010
Established by the late Mary Holley-Doremus, of Harwinton, with the remainder of a trust created during her lifetime, this designated fund provides grants to a variety of area charitable organizations.


In support of the organization

The Community Foundation of Northwest Connecticut, Inc. | $160

Harwinton Historical Society | $160 Harwinton Land Conservation Trust | $160 Northwest Center for Family Service & Mental Health | $160

Susan B. Anthony Project | $320 Torrington Historical Society | $320

United Way of Northwest Connecticut, Inc. | $320

Kent Cultural Arts and Music Fund
This field of interest fund supports cultural programs within the Kent community with a preference for music-related programs that appeal to a wide audience.


Housatonic Valley Regional High School | $9,500 to support the purchase of a sound system to be used for Housatonic Musical Theatre Society productions and other school functions

Keroden Designated Fund
Established anonymously, this fund provides support for clinical education at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital.


Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration | $10,500 in support of the organization

Keroden Endowed Fund
Established anonymously, this unrestricted fund enables the Community Foundation to meet a broad range of evolving community needs.


Bethlehem Ambulance Association, Inc. | $5,000 to support the purchase of the Power Load Fastener System to assist the ambulance crew

Torrington Historical Society | $2,000 to support the implementation of digital imaging of the Society's collection

Weantinoge Heritage Land Trust $3,800 to support a technology upgrade for the shared computer network and a new phone system

Jeffrey and Susan Lalonde Community Betterment Fund
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Lalonde, this fund supports efforts to improve the quality of life in Litchfield County.



Torrington Savings Bank contribution match Torrington Winsted Area Rotary Club


Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration | $500 to support the services provided to the communities served and to support investing in new technology, alliances and expansion

FISH of Northwestern Connecticut | $500 to be used to support continued service to those most in need during these difficult economic times

Goshen Community Care & Hospice | $250 to support the organization and its mission

Goshen Good Neighbor Fund | $250 in support of the organization

The Goshen Players, Inc. | $250 to support the organization and its mission in providing its offerings and events

LARC, Inc. | $1,000 to support programs for the special needs population in Litchfield County

Northwest Connecticut YMCA | $250 to support the Strong Kids program

Northwest Community Collaborative (KidsPlay Children's Museum) | $500 in support of the organization and its mission

Warner Theatre | $500 in support of the organization and its mission

Richard Leone COCC Fund
Mr. Leone, president of Avon-based COCC, established this fund to benefit local charities. Formerly Connecticut Online Computer Center, Inc., COCC is a leading provider of technology for community banks and other financial institutions in the region.


Autism Families of Connecticut | $465 in support of the organization in honor of The Jewell Family

Litchfield Community Center Music Fund
Established by the late Dan North, this endowed fund supports danceable music programs held at the Litchfield Community Center.


Litchfield Community Center | $8,530 in multiple awards to support program expenses for: Friday Feast Luncheons, the Groove,Teen Dances, D. Quinn Performance, and Motion Man Performance; the SummerFest 2014 Gala & Fundraiser Music/ Entertainment event; and five fall events: youth and teen programs, Classical Guitarist, Swing Band for Veterans, Friday Feast & Dancing, and the Wine & Brew Fest

Local Area Fund
Established anonymously, this fund furthers the philanthropic goals of a local donor family





Norfolk Chamber Music Festival (Yale University) | $25,000 to support the 2014 summer music program in support of the organization Battell Arts Foundation, Inc. | $500 Chore Service, Inc. | $1,000

Connecticut Forest & Park Association | $500 Foothills Visiting Nurse & Home Care, Inc. | $5,000 Great Mountain Forest Corporation | $1,000 Greenwoods Counseling Referrals | $1,000 Housatonic Valley Association | $500

Norfolk Historical Society | $1,000 The Norfolk Land Trust | $1,000 The Norfolk Library | $1,000

Norfolk Lions Club Ambulance | $6,000 Norfolk Senior Housing Corp. | $1,000 Northwest Conservation District | $500 Yankee Institute for Public Policy | $5,000

The MacCallum Family Fund for Animal Welfare
This field of interest fund provides for emergency medical care for sick, injured and/or neglected animals through emergency grants that support the treatment of animals brought to animal hospitals by good samaritans and animals whose owners are in need of financial assistance for their care. The fund also supports efforts to educate the community about the care of animals.



Frederick Machuga | in memory of Loretta Marcantonio

Sand Road Animal Hospital


Sara Van Deusen | in honor of Shirley MacCallum’s birthday

up to $99

Anonymous | in memory of Orrin Otis

Nicole and Joel Easley | in memory of Woobie

Beth and Jason Pajak | in honor of Shirley MacCallum and in memory of Toby MacCallum

Donna and Gary Salmon


$300 | to partially support surgery expenses for a broken limb for Floyd, a stray kitten

$560 | in support of surgery expenses for Mollie

$350 | to support the purchase of six months of diabetic food and support blood glucose tests for Honey, a cat

Miles for Moe Fund
Established by Torrington residents Emil and Colleen Renzullo, this donor advised fund honors the memory of their son by supporting LARC’s camp for children with and without special needs.The camp’s namesake, Emil “Moe” Renzullo Jr., succumbed to leukemia in 2010 at age 12.


$5,000 and above

Fundraising Event Proceeds


Alcoa Foundation Employee Engagement Fund, a Fund of the Silicone Valley Community Foundation

Maureen Hannon and Randall Patterson


Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration

June and Steve Coombe Linnea and James Mescall | in memory of Emil Renzullo Jr.

O&G Industries, Inc. Andrew Pace Gregory Susla

Torrington Savings Bank


Allan Borghesi Matthew Carbone | in memory of Moe Renzullo Michael A. Carbone Building Contractor, Inc.

CKG Associates, LLC

D.A.N.C.E. by Kristin

Greater Hartford Community Foundation, Inc.

The Litchfield Bancorp

Mark Malloy | through the AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign

Susan and Joel Markowski National Iron Bank

Carole and Raymond Neag State Farm

Theroux, Nowell & Stoughton, LLC

Torringford School


Elizabeth Agli | in honor of Cathleen Falk

All Star Storage-Torrington, LLC Kelly Bossidy

Maria Seymour Brooker Memorial Carbone's Market

Corinne and Dino Casali Collins Technical Services Company

Cook Funeral Home Joseph Cracco Robin Feret

Founders Insurance Group, Inc.

J. David Hannon Jimmy's Store

Klebe Fuel Company Cheryl and Tim Kloczko

Byrthe and Robert McCormick Atty. Victor M. Muschell Northwest Community Bank Northwest Hills Credit Union Dr. Matthew N. Pagano Kathleen Patterson

Jeannine M.Talbot Esq. Torrington Fire Fighters Local #1567

Torrington High School Care & Concern Club

Katheryn and Thomas Wall Zeller Tire Co.

Up to $99

Janet and Donald Aeschlimann Lori and Jack Baer

Mary and Otto Baker Patricia Bayette Bravelets LLC

Mary Ann and Edward Boulanger Sharon Burroughs

John Calkins James Cammilletti Gary Capitanio Gladys Cerruto

Joan and Albert Colangelo Jean and Robert Collins Charles H. Connell

Drs. Coutant, Sederquist, Nebor & Clauss

Corrine D'Angelo Carol Deane

Barbara and Paul Denza Barbara Dobos

Laura and Paul Dubreuil Donna and Francis DuCotey Eleanor and Bruce Fox

Mary Jo Fuoco

Jonathan Gouthier

Melissa Grauel and Douglas Craig Mary Grinvalsky

Mary Jane and Richard Gryniuk Diane and David Hebert Lucinda and George Iffland King, King & Associates

Janet Kozlak

Nancy and Joseph Laganga Antoinette Landor Norma and Jack Leavitt Shirlee Leavitt-Knox

Roberta and John Leffingwell Rosemarie and Richard Lestinsky Linda and Robert Lundberg Patty and Richard Marshall Shirley McCunn

Mary and Theodore Miasek Joseph Mitchell

Modern Barber Shop Juli S. Nein

North Torrington Veterinary Hospital

Jo and George Palmer Susan and John Pelchat Jane and Frank Pennington Arthur Perret

Timothy D. Phillips Carol Pines

Mary Ann Poinelli Robert Porter

Prudential Premier Homes David Renzullo

Renzullo & Associates Law Office and Patsy Renzullo

Martha and William Sachweh Susan and William Schapp Virginia and David Schibi Marian G. Schroeder

Patricia Seymour

Lisa and Michael Soliani Patricia Strawson Jennifer and Peter Teti

Torrington Sash and Door Valerie Vitalo

John Wilcox

Lynn and Christopher Zarzycki


LARC, Inc. | $18,000 to support scholarships for Camp MOE Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration | $1,000 to buy toys for children having a procedure at the hospital

Robert C. Miller and Carol H. Miller Fund
This fund benefits area charitable organizations.


Oliver Wolcott Library, Inc. | $900 to support the Carol H. Miller Memorial Books

The Cara and Carl Muller Fund for Community Support

The Mullers created this fund to support emerging community needs.


$5,000 and above

Carl's True Value


Carl's True Value | in memory of Jeremiah Cuniowski, Richard Landi, and Queenie "Jean" Tortorelli

New Hartford Education Fund
Proceeds from this fund are used to support educational initiatives in the town of New Hartford.



New Hartford Education Foundation


Peter M. Bakker Agency, Inc. Jeff Benaitis

Northwest Community Bank Pearse-Bertran, LLC

Personal Best Fitness Training, LLC Paul Smotas

up to $99

Sally Austin-Fitzpatrick Bakerville Library Delicate Designs Down the Aisle, LLC Nepaug Clockworks

New Hartford Business Council Torrington Savings Bank


New Hartford Public Schools | $500 to support 'Multi-Sensory PhonicsEnrichment' project;

$1,000 to support the Antolini Garden-Part II

$1,300 to support Trout in the Classroom program

$500 to support Bridges Over Time program

$1,000 to support School-wide Enrichment program

$379 to support Social Emotional Learning project

Northwest Connecticut Philanthropy Fund
This fund, comprised of undesignated gifts to the Community Foundation, supports emerging community needs.


$100,000 and above

Margaret D. Reventlow Charitable Remainder Trust


Dale and Quentin R. Ryan | in support of Paws for Purple Hearts


Connecticut Main Street Center, Inc. | for the Northwestern Connecticut Regional Planning Collaborative


Barron Financial Group | in honor of Barron Financial’s clients

Bono Family Fund of the Fairfield County Community Foundation | for the benefit of Hope & Love Option

Harriet F. Dickenson Foundation | for the benefit of Cornwall, per Harriet Hubbard

South Side Cafe, LLC | in honor of George Mazzaferro


Maria and David Mazzarelli


James Brandolini | in memory of Richard DiChillo Jr. Elizabeth and George Foeller | in memory of Henry O. Foeller

Janice and Jerry LaPlaca | in memory of Richard DiChillo Jr.

up to $99

in memory of Richard DiChillo Jr. Arlene and Robert Arndt Catherine Cipolla

Candace and Robert Gallo David Gianni Sr.

Lois and Keith J. Hall

Andrienne and Joseph Longobucco Anita and William Panagakos

Patty and Newell Porch Jr. Terri Ann and Alfred Reichen Doreen and Wilfrid L. Roy


Farmington River Watershed Association | $1,000 to support a student-involved initiative to install landscape features to retain and percolate runoff entering the Still River on the NW CT Community College campus | in memory of Robin Connor (total grant $5,000 with $4,000 from the Eva M. Coty Fund )

New Beginnings of Northwest Hills Litchfield County, Inc. | $4,000 through the Margaret D. Reventlow Charitable Remainder Trust to support capital expenditures for the Gathering Place (drop-in center for the homeless) (total grant $25,000 with $21,000 from the Marion Wm. & Alice Edwards Fund)

Little Guild of Saint Francis | $250 sponsorship to support the 5k Run or Walk fundraiser event

Oliver Wolcott Library, Inc. | $1,000 sponsorship grant to support the 2014 Festival of Trees event

Possum Queen Foundation | $50 sponsorship grant to support Possum Queen Fundraiser event (total sponsorship $250 with $150 from the Torrington Savings Bank Fund and $50 from the Torrington Savings Fund)

The Molly O'Connell Fund
This donor advised fund, established by family of the late Molly O’Connell, supports charitable initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.


Up to $99

William G. Harding Patty and Guy Rovezzi


Heaven's Family | $1,000 in memory of H. Dennis O'Connell to support Critical Medical Needs Fund, the Orphans Tear Initiative, Safe Water Fund; and the Micro Loan Fund.

Brian J. O’Neil Memorial Fund
This fund was established in memory of Mr. O’Neil, a native of Winsted, after his untimely death on December 3, 2004, at age 50.The husband of Gail Williams O’Neil, Mr. O’Neil was a respected businessman and graduate of The Gilbert School and Central Connecticut State University.



David Dolinsky Family Foundation


Pamela and David Corey Terry and Todd Hall

Up to $99

Eleanor P. Gunn William G. Harding

Pierpont Chapter #49 Order of the Eastern Star Fund
This fund was established in memory of Deborah A. Goldthwaite, Past Matron of Pierpont Chapter #49 Order of the Eastern Star.


Audubon Sharon | $600 to support the wildlife rehabilitation program by covering the cost of live insects and special formulas for very young or highly debilitated birds (total grant $3,000 with $2,400 from the Marion Wm. & Alice Edwards Fund)

Andrew Pike Memorial Fund
Established by family of the late Andrew Pike, this donor advised fund supports charitable endeavors in Northwest Connecticut.


Up to $99

Hope Hutchinson

Rebensacla Fund
Established anonymously, this donor advised fund supports charitable initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.



Anonymous Donor(s)


Trinity Lime Rock Episcopal Church | $850 in two grants, in support of the organization

Joseph and Virginia C. Ruwet Memorial Fund
This Fund was established in memory of Joseph and Virginia C. Ruwet.


in memory of Joseph Ruwet


Jeanne Ruwet and Thomas L. Howard


O&G Industries, Inc.


Sharon and Robin Hollay LaMonica's Restaurant Corky and John Lavieri Diane and David Murelli Victor P. Reis, Sr.

Doris Sibley

Torrington Republican Town Committee Renee and George Uveges

Winter Bros.Waste Systems of CT, LLC

Up to $99

Audrey B. Blondin Esq.

Connecticut Association of Probate Clerks Pamela and Paul Dzurilla

Terry Edelstein

Julie and David Erickson Garrett Eucalitto

Theresa and David Frascarelli Claire S. Galli

Muriel Gardner

Judith and Leonard Hammer Nancy and Donald Hodkoski Robin and Hon. Michael Magistrali Jane and A. Ruel Miller

Richard S. Milstein Esq. Dorothy and Roger Robbins Patty and Guy Rovezzi

Lynn D. Shuhi

Joelene and Robert Teittinen

JoAnn Ryan Fund
This fund was established to support various local charities.


Northwest Connecticut Chamber Education Foundation, Inc. | $3,675 in support of the organization

Elson-Slemmer Fund for the Environment
Established by Sandra Elson Slemmer and David Slemmer, this fund is used primarily for charitable, scientific or educational support relating to the protection of the natural environment, with a primary focus in Northwest Connecticut.


Audubon Sharon | $10,000 to support the construction of new rehabilitation aviaries at Sharon Audubon

Edwin M. Stone and Edith H. Stone Fund
Established through the estates of Mr. and Mrs. Stone, this fund supports nonprofit organizations in the Community Foundation’s service area.


The Goshen Players, Inc. | $10,000 to support renovation of the lighting and sound booths in the Old Goshen Town Hall, home of The Goshen Players

Northwest Connecticut Arts Council | $8,000 to support infrastructure transitions and capacity building for the Council's institutional development

Polly and Wesley Strand and James L. Holmes Fund for Programs for Women and Children
Torrington businesswoman Susan Strand established this fund to honor her late parents, Polly and Wesley Strand, for their devotion to community service.


Columbia University School of Nursing | $2,000 to support the Saving Mothers in Bangladesh: Prevention and Management of Emergencies in Rural Settings program

Louis O.Thibeault Fund for the Advancement of Children’s Education
This field of interest fund was established by Mr. Thibeault to advance the education of disadvantaged children by addressing obstacles to learning specifically related to their health, well-being and/or deficits in needed assistive technology.The fund strives to enhance learning by assisting families of limited means with associated expenses.



Louis Thibeault


Education Connection | $7,400 to support purchase of 'PediaVision Spot VS100' equipment for screening children of ages 'zero-to-pre-K'

Torrington Club Fund
This fund established the original Torrington Area Foundation for Public Giving, now The Community Foundation of Northwest Connecticut, as a community foundation.


Salvation Army of Torrington | $1,000 to support the Backpack Program, ensuring that all school-aged children have backpacks and school supplies to begin the school year (total grant $2,100 with $1,100 from the Carlton D. Fyler and Jenny R. Fyler Fund)

Torrington Savings Fund
This endowed unrestricted fund supports the nonprofits of Northwest Connecticut.


Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $100 to sponsor the tenth Battle of the Bands Event (total grant $300 with $200 from the Torrington Savings Bank General Fund)

Possum Queen Foundation | $50 to sponsor the Possum Queen Fundraiser (total grant $250 with

$150 from the Torrington Savings Bank General Fund and $50 from the Northwest Connecticut Philanthropy Fund)

Torrington Savings Bank Fund
Established by the management of the Torrington Savings Bank, this endowed fund supports the Community Foundation and the communities it serves.


Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $200 to sponsor the tenth Battle of the Bands Event (total grant $300 with $100 from the Torrington Savings Fund)

Possum Queen Foundation | $150 to sponsor the Possum Queen Fundraiser (total grant $250 with

$50 from the Torrington Savings Fund and $50 from the Northwest Connecticut Philanthropy Fund)

Margaret C.Tupper Fund
Established through a bequest in her will, Ms. Tupper’s endowed fund will continue to improve the quality of life for future generations of Northwest Connecticut residents.


Chore Service, Inc. | $4,000 to support a consultant's fee to study the Alternative Business Model Project, benefitting The Chore Service, Litchfield Hills Chore

Service, and Helping Hands Chore Service

Barbara Oneglia Alvarez Tycienski Fund
This fund was established to support youth organizations within the Community Foundation’s service area.



The Francis J. & Louisa J. Oneglia Foundation, Inc. Cathy and Gregory Oneglia


Torrington Winsted Area Rotary Club per Cynthia Oneglia

Up to $99

Jayne and Leo Martigneni | in memory of A. George Oneglia


After School Arts Program | $2,500 to support the Michael Moschen Program

Har-Bur Middle School | $2,500 to support the Odyssey of the Mind Project

Women & Girls Fund
Established as a giving circle in 1999 by a small group of women who shared a concern for the real-life needs of local women and girls, the Women & Girls Fund has grown to more than 200 supporters who help women and girls develop skills, attain economic security, and improve their quality of life. The fund works to address these problems and improve the quality of life for women and girls in Northwest Connecticut.



Bono Family Fund, a Fund of the Fairfield County Community Foundation

People's United Bank

Tillotson Alexis de Tocqueville Society of the United Way of Greater New Haven

Nancy Wadhams


Carol Barron

Daughters of Wisdom, Inc. Josephine Jones

Tom Quinn & Maria Horn Family Fund Judy Staubo


Anonymous Donor(s) Judi Armstrong Barbara Dughi

Anna and J. Richard Heys Eileen and Peter Litwin Carol Lugar

Margaret and Adrian Selby Katharine and Walter Thompson Kathleen and Michael Voldstad

Elizabeth Whalen, M.D and Terrence Ryan, M.D.


Ann and Travers Auburn Annesa and Richard Borla Susan and Caroline Bremer Joyce Briggs

Christina Brown Hope S. Childs

Martha Green and Alan Cohen Hon. Margaret Cooley

Sharon Dante

Lynn and John Fulkerson Elisabeth Gill

Joan and Charles Gill Doreen and John Hampton Drew Harlow

Lynn Ray and Dallett Hoopes Corky and John Lavieri Lorraine and Louis Lubus Eileen and Erich Marriott Kerwin Mayers

Laurellee McKiernan Ruthann Olsson Gloria Oneglia Nancy Novogrod Rita Pacheco

Martha and Kevin Phillips Faith Poliquin

Molly and Charles Roraback Rosaria Rovero

Robin Ruwet-Turpin The Hon. Roberta Willis

Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center

Up to $99

Sherie Berk

Linda and William Bianowicz Rosemary and Byron Brooks Betty and Christopher Cosgrove

Ginny and Edward Davidson

The Women & Girls Fund continued

Carole Dmytryshak Nicole and Joel Easley Betsy and Bill Goff

Christine and Eugene Horrigan Ruthann and Paul Horvay Tricia Hyacinth

Garry Leonard Donna Marconi

Mary Jane and James Mazzarelli

Kathryn and Frederick Minck | in memory of Josephine Murphy

Ruth Ursone Napoleone Joan and Morgan O’Brien Lindsay Raymond

Ellen and William Savoia Marie Wallace

Diane Wolcott | in memory of Ann Durland


Explorations Charter School | $1,861 in two grants to support the Moxie for Teens program and program supplies

The McCall Foundation | $1,500 to support the Art

Therapy for Mothers and Daughters program

Youth Fund

Established in 2000 through the generosity of the Borghesi family, the Youth Fund supports the Foundation’s Youth in Philanthropy program, which serves to perpetuate community leadership by helping young people develop positive connections with their communities.

The Youth in Philanthropy program is designed to give young people a platform for expression and innovation that can bring about new and sustainable solutions to community issues.Through their participation in school- based youth in philanthropy councils, students learn lifelong lessons about charitable giving and volunteering. They make annual grant recommendations to the Community Foundation based on their examination of issues impacting youth in their community. Youth councils also help raise money for this endowed fund.



Judy Staubo


Civic Life Project | $2,500 to support the Diversity Documentary Project

Connecticut Forest & Park Association | $2,500 to support the Project Learning Tree program

Feliciano and Lydia Turri Zaccheo Fund
This endowed fund, which memorializes a well- known Torrington couple, helps to improve the lives of citizens in Northwest Connecticut.


Girl Scouts of Connecticut, Inc. | $500 to support the Girlz R.U.L.E program at five Torrington schools (total grant $1,500 with $1,000 from the Borghesi Family Fund)

The Torrington Library | $1,600 to support the educational series, History Alive!


Brooks Anderson and Henry Vail Brooks Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to graduating seniors from Torrington High School who plan to major in industrial arts, teaching or nursing. Recipients are chosen based on financial need, academic excellence, character and citizenship.

Scholarship Recipients
Deisy Campoverde
Paulina Koloda
Nicholas LaMothe
Janet Lee
Spencer Mourges
Olivia Roberge
Abigail Whalen

Betsy L. Bertoli Scholarship Fund
Recipients of this scholarship are graduates of Torrington High School who plan to pursue a career in accounting or business administration/management.



Christine and John Koplas

Scholarship Recipient
Griffin Pelkey

Russell F. Bruno Scholarship Fund | est. 2001
This fund provides an annual award to a Torrington High School graduate who has excelled in English and plans to pursue college studies in writing, literature, journalism or related fields.

Scholarship Recipient
Paulina Koloda

Jack and Ruth Calder Scholarship Fund
This scholarship benefits a deserving high school graduate from Barkhamsted, Colebrook, Goshen, Hartland, Harwinton, Litchfield, New Hartford, Norfolk, Torrington or Winsted.



Penelope and Clement Sidlosky

up to $99

Lorraine and John Calder

Scholarship Recipient

Melissa MacDonald

Mae Casali Bonvicini Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established to benefit outstanding graduates of Torrington High School with financial need who are pursuing degrees at four-year colleges or technical schools.

Scholarship Recipient

Olivia Roberge

Peter G. Cerruto Memorial Fund
Established by family and friends, this fund honors the memory of Mr. Cerruto, a life-long Torrington resident, and a World War II and Normandy Invasion veteran.



Judy Staubo

Up to $99

William G. Harding Jannette Stevens | in memory of Peter Cerruto

Award Recipient

Trevor Richardone

Cornwall Conservation Trust Student Grants Fund
The Student Grants Fund provides scholarships to Region 1 students who demonstrate a concern for the environment.

Agency Contributions

Cornwall Conservation Trust Inc. | $65,935.70

Steven A. Chupka Memorial Scholarship Fund
Recipients are graduates of Oliver Wolcott Technical High School who demonstrate financial need, academic merit and community service. Preference may be given to students with an academic focus in electronics, but students pursuing other fields of study also are eligible to apply.



Janice and Andrew Chupka


Geraldine V. Zimmerman | in memory of Paul Zimmerman

Scholarship Recipient
Rachel Rosa

Tim Considine Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in honor of beloved community member Tim Considine, the fund provides support to Torrington residents currently enrolled as seniors in a high school or vocational technical school who are seeking admission to an accredited university. Preference is given to students who participate in school and/or organized sports while demon- strating academic achievement, and a commitment to organized religion and display exemplary character through either extra- curricular accomplishments or community service.



Tee It Up for T. Cons proceeds


Beverly and Michael Amodeo Susan and David Carroll | with a matching gift from Torrington Savings Bank

Barbara and Paul Denza | in memory of Tim Considine James Fabiaschi | in memory of Tim Considine

Granite Ridge Limited, LLC Ann Marie and Steven Lancor

Dr. Stanley E. Moraski | in support of Gayle Moraski and the Ice Bucket Challenge

Karen and John Tuozzo Sharon and Richard Valerio | in memory of Tim Considine

Torrington High School Scholarships continued

Bob and Ray Good Scholarship Fund

up to $99

In memory of Marilyn Good
Rita Barredo
Patricia Cahill
The Finn Family: Gary, Guy, Timothy, and Scott
Daniel Giambersio
Dorothy and Robert LaBonne
Joan Monteleone
Sharon and Donald Newkirk
Jeri Soltis
Aurelia Sultaire
Ann and Louis Szabo
The Registrar of Voters Office: John Ciesco, Nan Gallicchio, Annette Caputi, and Ed Wilmot

Florence Hakalski Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Joann Duman

Michael G. Haschak Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Griffin Pelkey

Robert J. Lariviere, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Marina Meyers

Torrington Lithuanian Mutual Benefit Club Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Caroline Teti

Robert C. & Margaret G. Lizotte Art Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Zachary Campanelli

Joanne C. Lopardo Memorial Softball Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Samantha Pelow

Julia McDonnell/Henry Fries Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Benjamin Thompson

Frank "Frankie" J. McGowan, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Brandon Kozlowski

James Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund


Michael E. Murphy
Scholarship Recipients
Dylan Armstrong
Brianna Cole

Victor Muschell, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Mathew Baril

North School PTO Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Hailey Ross

Piemontese Club Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Paulina Koloda

Camille Radocchio Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Joann Duman

Leonard Rendino Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Melanie Nadle

Joseph and Bernice Repas Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipients
Brianna Cole
Alexa Potter

Margaret Ringstad Riefe Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Hailey Ross

Dr. Shenoi & Family Scholarship
Scholarship Recipient
Adonys Langual

Jeff Stannard Memorial Scholarship Fund


Lucian and Darlene Stannard

THS Student Council Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Nicholas LaMothe

Nellie J. Sullivan Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Kelly Lamoin

Mariantonia Tate Memorial Allied Health Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Aaron Hogan

Mollie and Louis Temkin Valedictory Award Fund
Award Recipient
Chloe Vollaro

Frederick J. Wilcox Sportsmanship Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Recipient
Phoebe Ivain

Torrington UNICO Foundation Scholarship Fund | est. 2010
A composite of 14 annual awards named for prominent community leaders and UNICO members. These scholarships assist area youth with the cost of higher education in perpetuity.


Annamarie Corrolo
Stephen Petricone
Petricone's Torrington Pharmacy
Scholarship and Award Recipients
Micaela Bottari
Maryssa Brogis
Megan Calabrese
Sarah Dennis
Maggie R. Finn
Julia Hageman-Petitt
Alexandra Hain
Amanda Kitik | Northwest Connecticut Arts Council Abate Scholarship Award
Paulina Koloda
Nicholas LaMothe
Marney Lariviere
Kenneth Lautz
Enxhi Marika
Jill Moraski
Spencer Mourges
Rebecca Perreault
Victor Rodriguez | 2014 Piccolo Award Recipient
Rachel Rosa
Caroline Teti
Chloe Vollaro
Agency Disbursement
Torrington Chapter of UNICO | $600 to support IMAC purchase by Julia Hageman-Petitt

Albert C. and Rose Turri Scholarship Fund | est. 2010
Established by the family of the late Albert C. Turri, this scholarship supports area students pursuing postsecondary degrees in the fields of electrical engineering or electronics. The fund honors Mr. Turri’s legacy as founder, in 1946, of Turri Electric Co.
Scholarship Recipients
Joann Duman
John Munson III

United Nations Association of NW CT Scholarship for International Cooperation | est. 2009
Established in memory of Lisl C. Standen, this scholarship benefits graduates of public high schools in Northwest Connecticut. Recipients demonstrate academic merit, interest in international issues, foreign language proficiency, and a commitment to social betterment.
Scholarship Recipients
Emily DeMazza
Serena Marecki
Thomas James McClusky

James P. and Mildred Gregg Zucco Scholarship | est. 2001
Recipients are graduates of The Gilbert School, Oliver Wolcott Technical High School, and Northwest Regional District 7 High School. Selection is based on financial need, academic merit, and community service.
Scholarship Recipients
Erick Bailey
Angela Bosse
Courtney Carrozzo
Andrew Farkas
Lydia Harden
Meghan Kane
Meredith Kurtz
Amanda Mergenthaler
Joseph Palmer
Luke Pergola
Rachel Rosa
Nathan Starr
Mary Traub

“Though they are no longer with us, I wanted to thank James P. and Mildred Gregg Zucco…I am extremely thankful…” – Erick Bailey


Susan B.Anthony Project Endowment Fund
This permanent fund supports the Susan B. Anthony Project and its affiliated agencies, if any.

Agency Contributions | $345,570.77

The Licia and Mason Beekley Community Library Endowment Fund
One of a collection of designated agency funds used to support capital improvements to the library and for maintenance of the library’s piano and gardens. Agency Contributions

The Licia & Mason Beekley Community Library | $200

The Beekley Library Future Building Construction Fund
One of a collection of designated agency funds used to support capital improvements to the library and for maintenance of the library’s piano and gardens. Agency Contributions

The Licia & Mason Beekley Community Library | $5,175

The Canaan Foundation Non-Endowed Fund
The Canaan Foundation, a nonprofit organization, established these community-specific funds to enhance the quality of life for residents of Canaan.

Agency Disbursement
The Canaan Foundation | $12,000 to support 2014 grants

The Cancer Care Fund of the Litchfield Hills
The fund provides for complementary therapy programs, such as massage therapy, oncology nutrition, social work services and yoga, and provide financial support for cancer patients in active treatment. During 2014, more than 260 individuals donated more than $26,000 most in memory of loved ones. For a complete list of gifts, please contact The Center for Cancer Care P.O. Box 1801 Litchfield, CT 06759.

Chore Service Endowment Fund
This designated agency fund supports The Chore Service, Inc. in perpetuity, a nonprofit that helps senior and disabled residents of Canaan, Cornwall, Falls Village, Kent, Norfolk, Salisbury and Sharon stay at home safely and independently.

Agency Contributions

Chore Service, Inc. | $4,000

Cornwall Conservation Trust Funds
These funds are used for land acquisition and management, with the aim of preserving unspoiled open space for the benefit of the community at large.

Operating Fund

Agency Disbursement

Cornwall Conservation Trust | $43,850

Prud'homme Stewardship Fund

Agency Disbursement

Cornwall Conservation Trust | $5,000

Van Valkenburgh/Burkardt Stewardship Fund


Lawrence N.Van Valkenburgh

The Cornwall Foundation General Fund
The Cornwall Foundation, Inc., is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for residents of Cornwall.


Harriet F. Dickenson Foundation

Agency Contributions

The Cornwall Foundation, Inc. | $10,000

Cornwall Historical Society Endowment Fund
This endowed fund supports the charitable, scientific and educational purposes of the Cornwall Historical Society with current income and long-term stability. Gifts


Isabelle C. Osborne


The Buchanan Fund

Agency Contributions

Cornwall Historical Society | $90,000

Cornwall Historical Society-Norman Dorsen Fund
This fund supports the charitable, scientific, and educational mission of the Cornwall Historical Society. Agency Contributions

Cornwall Historical Society | $10,000

Five Points Gallery Fund
This non-endowed fund was established to support the charitable purposes of Five Points Gallery.

up to $99

Claudia DeMonte and Ed McGowin

Friends of Hospice General Fund
One of multiple agency funds used to support Friends of Hospice, the foremost provider of services for terminally ill residents of Litchfield, Harwinton and Torrington.


Margaret D. Reventlow Charitable Remainder Trust

Agency Disbursement

Friends of Hospice | $17,500 in three disbursements

Goshen Historical Society Endowment Fund
This fund supports the long-term needs of the Goshen Historical Society.


up to $99

Joyce Mowrey and Christopher Craig

Theodore A. Hungerford Memorial Museum Association Endowment Fund
This designated agency fund supports the museum and its mission in perpetuity.

Agency Contributions

T.A. Hungerford Memorial Museum, Inc. | $9,545

Litchfield Community Center Reserve Fund
This agency fund supports the operations and capital needs of the Litchfield Community Center and its charitable, social, and educational initiatives.

Agency Contributions | $100,000

Litchfield Garden Club Centennial Fund
This agency fund was established to further the Litchfield Garden Club’s charitable mission to educate members and the public in scientific and artistic methods of gardening, stimulate interest in horticulture, encourage and assist in civic beautification, raise environmental awareness and protect and conserve our national and historic heritage.

Agency Contributions

Litchfield Garden Club | $9,475

The Little Guild Operational Fund
This endowed fund provides income and long-term protection for the operations of The Little Guild of Saint Francis.

Agency Disbursement

Little Guild of Saint Francis | $13,475

Northwestern CTYMCA Fund
This agency fund provides operational support and perpetuates the charitable purposes of the Northwestern Connecticut YMCA and support the YMCA’s efforts to nurture the development and leadership potential of area children and teens.

Agency Contributions

Northwest Connecticut YMCA | $156,025.56

Agency Disbursements

Northwest Connecticut YMCA | $194,575

The River Stewards of Tomorrow Fund
Proceeds from this designated agency endowment support the Housatonic Valley Association’s conservation efforts by educating and training future generations to be stewards of the environment.

Agency Contribution

Housatonic Valley Association | $1,000

Agency Disbursement

Housatonic Valley Association | $5,900

Sharon Land Trust Endowment Fund
This endowed agency fund supports the protection and preservation of lands with special scenic, natural, environmental, recreational, historic, or agricultural value to the rural atmosphere of the town of Sharon.

up to $99

David J. Supino

Agency Contributions

Sharon Land Trust | $1,009,615.90

Sharon Land Trust Mary Moore Fund
This endowed fund provides land stewardship for the nature preserve or sanctuary bequeathed to the Sharon Land Trust by Mary Moore.

Agency Contributions

Sharon Land Trust | $200,233

Sharon Land Trust Stewardship & Protection Fund
This non-endowed agency fund supports the stewardship and protection of land under the care of the Sharon Land Trust.

Agency Contributions

Sharon Land Trust | $248,823

The Sharon Woman's Club Scholarship Fund
This fund furthers the charitable mission of the Sharon Woman’s Club to stimulate and encourage all efforts toward intellectual and social betterment in the home and in the community.

Agency Contribution

Sharon Woman’s Club | $55,000

The Taconic Learning Center Fund
This agency fund supports the charitable mission of the Taconic Learning Center to provide the opportunity and resources for lifelong education and self-development for residents of Northwest Conn. and adjacent communities in New York and Massachusetts.

Agency Contributions

Taconic Learning Center | $29,000


Geer Village | $4,700 in support of the organization Noble Horizons | $3,500 in support of the organization

Lee Tangarone Memorial Fund for Children's Programs and Collections
This non-endowed fund supports children's books, materials and programming at the Licia & Mason Beekley Community Library.


Phyllis VanCamp


William & Sue Hall

Torrington-Winsted Rotary Fund | est. 2002
The Torrington Rotary established this fund to support its continued service to the community. Agency Contributions

Torrington Winsted Area Rotary Club | $42,475


Carl's True Value | in honor of Richard Meyer Retirement and in honor of Richard & Julie Bray's 50th Anniversary and in memory of Rosanna Verschoyle and Marian L. Verlato; Filomena Corniello and Florence Gemelli; Elizabeth Gelormino, Leo Liddle,Wilfred Reil Jr., Dino Borghesi,William Englert and Rita Jacorino


Lynn and Lois Ridgway | in memory of Joseph Ruwet

up to $99

in memory of Joseph Ruwet

Thomas J. Christian Logan & Mencuccini, LLP

Suzanne and Gregory Stafstrom

YMCA Camp Mohawk / Arlene Foulds Memorial Fund
This fund, established in memory of Arlene Foulds, supports the YMCA’s Camp Mohawk for girls.

up to $99

Hope Hutchinson

Agency Disbursement

YMCA Camp Mohawk, Inc. | $500 scholarship recipient

YMCA Camp Mohawk / Cindy Morse Leadership Development Fund
Proceeds from this fund, established in memory of Cindy Morse and her inspirational leadership as a director and trustee of the camp, are used to support the YMCA’s Camp Mohawk for Girls in perpetuity.

up to $99

Hope Hutchinson

Agency Disbursement

YMCA Camp Mohawk, Inc. | $3,215 to support the leadership program


Supporting organizations are similar to private foundations in that they operate with a separate board of directors with grant-making responsibilities, but because they operate under the “umbrella” of the Community Foundation, they operate more efficiently and with the benefits of a public charity. Directors enjoy a high amount of involvement in their philanthropy while benefiting from the Community Foundation’s expertise in grant, investment and administrative support.

Foundation For Community Health
Foundation for Community Health supports organizations that work to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of residents* served by Sharon Hospital and organizations that provide community healthcare services within those areas.
*Canaan, Cornwall, Cornwall Bridge, Warren, East Canaan, Falls Village, Goshen, Kent, Lakeville, Lime Rock, Norfolk, Salisbury, Sharon, South Kent, Taconic, West Cornwall in Connecticut, as well as the New York communities of Amenia, Ancram, Ancramdale, Copake, Copake Falls, Dover Plains, Millbrook, Millerton, Pine Plains, Stanfordville, Wassaic and Wingdale.

Supporting Organization Contributions
Foundation for Community Health

John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation
The John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation was created for the purpose of protecting and improving the welfare of animals of all kinds with a focus on cats and dogs, the promotion of veterinary programs and the protection of wildlife, including endangered species, flora and fauna.


Animal Rescue Foundation, Inc. | $5,000 to support the purchase of a generator to power the shelter when there is a loss of electricity
ASPCA New York | $79,065 to support the purchase of a sprinter van for the ASPCA CIA team
Bideawee | $5,000 to support the purchase of veterinary hospital equipment and supplies for the surgery suite at the Wantagh Campus for Pets and People
Connecticut Department of Agriculture Animal Control Division | $51,600 to support the replacement of pasture fencing, gates and stall equipment at the Second Chance Large Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Facility
Connecticut Humane Society | $4,603 to support the purchase of an autoclave for the mobile adoption and veterinary unit
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine | $200,000 to support a variety of approved projects in the College of Veterinary Medicine
Housatonic Valley Regional High School | $5,000 to engage Housatonic Valley Regional High School students in a hands-on watershed science curriculum and stream restoration project
Kestrel Land Trust | $160,000 to support 50 percent of the cost of a conservation restriction over a 156-acre parcel of wildlife habitat in the Mount Holyoke Range in the Connecticut River Valley in Massachusetts
Little Guild of Saint Francis | $5,000 to support the purchase of new quarantine cages for cats and small dogs
New Hartford Land Trust | $37,000 to support the depletion of the mortgage balance, planting of vegetation and installation of signage at the 90-acre Alfred Sabolcik property in New Hartford, Connecticut
Thomas J. O'Connor Foundation Animal Control and Adoption Center Foundation Inc. | $24,000 to support the purchase and installation of a security and intercom system at the shelter
Sea Research Foundation | $250,000 to support the construction of a Veterinary & Animal Health Center at Mystic Aquarium
Simsbury Land Trust | $125,000 to complete the purchase of a 75-acre property on Tanager Hill in Simsbury, Connecticut
Wamogo Regional High School | $1,960 to support the Wamogo Regional High School's AP Environmental Science class study of the effects of non-native earthworms in Connecticut, and their impact on the ecosystem


• Committed to the public good

• Respectful of the worth and dignity of individuals

• Dedicated to inclusiveness and social justice

• Respectful of pluralism and diversity

• Committed to the responsible stewardship of resources

• Transparent, honest and accountable to the public, our donors and our fund holders

Executive Committee
Tom Bechtle | Board Chairperson
Douglas O’Connell |Vice-Chairperson
Gayle Moraski | 2nd Vice-Chairperson
Vickie Patrick | Treasurer
Alyson Thomson | Secretary
Dan Dwyer | Member-at-Large
William Harding | Ex Officio

Development Committee
Alyson Thomson | Chairperson
Ann Auburn
Anita Baxter
Tom Bechtle
Dan Dwyer
Vickie Patrick
Ron Rosenstein

Communications and Public Relations Committee
Miki Duisterhof | Chairperson
Alan Colavecchio
Skip Rogers
Robert Rovezzi

Grants and Program Committee
Robert Petricone | Chairperson
Jim Blackketter
Carol Lugar
Jan Rathbun
Lisa Simont
Chris Wall

Governance Committee
Skip Rogers | Chairperson
Roberta Lee August
Betsy Goff
Jeffrey Lalonde
Brian McCormick
Doug O’Connell

Audit Committee
Gayle Moraski | Chairperson
Jeffrey Lalonde

Investment Committee
James Thibault | Chairperson
Barbara Millar
Robert Geiger
Peter Menikoff
Stacie Weiner
Marsha Sterling
Keith Mullins

Scholarship Committee
Pamela Alvarez
Roberta Lee August
Bradley Bremer
Susan Bremer
Frank Buonocore, Jr.
David Carroll
Jay Cohen
Sylvia DeMichiel
Heather Dinneen
Dennis Dressel
Sandy Dressel
Dary Dunham
Joel Easley
Nicole Easley
Malcolm Forbes
Joe Friscia
Leslie Friscia
Jim Garfield
Betsy Goff
Doug Haddock
Lorraine Haddock
William Harding
Brad Hoar
Eli Horowitz
Elayne Landau
Michael Lynch
Gayle Moraski
Maureen Nikora
Ed Noonan
Mary Pat Noonan
Joan O'Brien
Morgan O'Brien
Roderic Oneglia
Joe Pathe
Guy Rovezzi
Patty Rovezzi
Robert Rovezzi
JoAnn Ryan
Bonnie VanGilder
Marie Wallace
Dan Whalen

Emeritus Society
Former Community Foundation Directors
James Allen
Ann Auburn
Roberta Lee August
Allan Borghesi
Khurshed Bhumgara (deceased)
Alan Colavecchio
Robert Cron
Charles Ebersol Sr. (deceased)
Charles Ebersol Jr.
Charles Hathaway (deceased)
Ann Hubbard
Donald Lewis (deceased)
Carol Lugar
Marvin “Muff” Maskovsky
Allen Nixon
Robert O’Connor (deceased)
Roberta Ohotnicky (deceased)
Cynthia Oneglia
Francis Oneglia (deceased)
Frank Pascale
William Petricone (deceased)
Jan Rathbun
Mary Lou Robinson
Margaret Roraback
Robert Rovezzi
JoAnn Ryan
George Strogatz (deceased)
Edward Thompson (deceased)
Raymond Turri
John Ursone
Thomas Wall Sr. (deceased)
Thomas Wall Jr.

Women & Girls Fund Executive Committee
Kara Dowling Roraback | Chairperson
Marsha Sterling |Vice Chairperson
Judi Armstrong
Roberta Lee August
Joyce Briggs
Barbara Dughi
Ellen Ebbs
Joan O’Brien
Marie Wallace
Hon. Roberta Willis

Download the 2014 Community Report