Publication: The Community Report

2012 Community Report: Immeasurable Good

May 29, 2012

2012 Overview

Founded | 1969
Assets | $71.6 million
Geographic area | 20 towns in Northwest Connecticut
Funds under management | 271
Scholarships awarded | $93,275
Grants awarded | $2,121,815
Grants and scholarships awarded | $2,215,090
Grantees | 302
Scholarship recipients | 120
Contributions | 2,188
Volunteers | 125 plus
Gifts received | $19.7 million

A 2012 Community Report

Grants & Scholarships | 7
Funds | 14
Supporting Organizations | 22
Contributions | 24
Annual Operating & Community Leadership Fund | 33
Committees, Councils, and Societies | 37
Financial Statements | 38

Published December 2013

Dear Friends,

All philanthropy is good, but not all philanthropy is effective. Even the most well-intended charitable act may fail to produce a benefit that is commensurate with the effort expended.

At the Community Foundation of Northwest Connecticut, we are trying to make good decisions—ones that are equitable for our communities and mindful of our promise to honor the wishes of those who have given us the ability to assist others. The trustees and staff of the Foundation are grateful for this opportunity, and we work to provide the type of stewardship and services that you and our communities can be proud of.

Because of you, we are fortunate to be the caretakers of philanthropic resources that allow us to penetrate all aspects of community life and address the collective needs of our fellow citizens. And while making a genuine impact in each of our focus areas—Health, Education, Human Services, Arts and Culture, the Environment, and Animal Welfare—is an ever-present challenge, we are dedicated to finding ways to assist our nonprofits and students in making the most of the dollars we grant them.

Much of what we focused on this past year centered on understanding and actualizing our role in building community. The Foundation’s ability to achieve this objective is made possible through the funds listed on the following pages, and the wonderful people who have contributed to the success of these funds.

Grants and scholarships from these funds have allowed us to double our philanthropic distributions to $2,215,090 in just two years. This report provides us with an opportunity to recognize all that has been made possible through these grants and scholarships. Even more important, perhaps, is that it offers a glimpse into the hearts of our donors and the passion they share for our beloved Northwest Connecticut.

Board of Directors
Tom Bechtle, Chairperson
Douglas O’Connell, Esq., Vice Chairperson
Gayle Moraski, 2ndVice Chairperson
John E. Janco, Treasurer
Victoria Patrick, Secretary
Khurshed Bhumgara
Miki Duisterhof
Dan Dwyer
William G. Harding
F. Robert Petricone
Rose Ponte
Norman “Skip” Rogers Jr., Esq.
Ronald S. Rosenstein, Esq.
Alyson Thomson
Christopher G. Wall., Esq.
Roberta Lee August, Recording Secretary
Guy Rovezzi, President
Lorraine Haddock, Assistant to the President
Bradford Hoar, Vice President of Philanthropic Services
Heather Dinneen, Program Officer
Sylvia DeMichiel, Program Associate
Nicole Carlson Easley, Communications Director
Leslie Friscia, Financial Assistant

Mission To enrich the quality of life for residents of Northwest Connecticut by inspiring local philanthropy, convening stakeholders in community welfare, strengthening the regional nonprofits network, and fostering collaborative funding partnerships. Established in 1969, The Community Foundation of Northwest Connecticut, Inc., serves Litchfield County with a collection of more than 250 funds that support nonprofit organizations and provide scholarships to area students in 20 towns within the Northwest Corner, including: Barkhamsted, Bethlehem, Canaan/Falls Village, Colebrook, Cornwall, Goshen, Hartland, Harwinton, Kent, Litchfield, Morris, New Hartford, Norfolk, North Canaan, Salisbury, Sharon, Torrington, Warren, Washington, and Winchester/Winsted.

Governance In its Board of Directors, the Foundation has an active governing body that is responsible not only for establishing the mission and strategic direction of the organization but also is charged with oversight of its finances, operations, and policies. The Board, which is independent and broadly representative of the people within the Northwestern Connecticut area served by the Foundation, is comprised of individuals who have demonstrated civic leadership in a variety of ways and who have a strong record of volunteer community service.

The MacCallum Family Helps Animals Live Longer Healthier Lives

During their 35-year marriage, Shirley and Toby MacCallum shared many things, an antique business, three children, and a strong sense of connection and responsibility to animals in their community. A deep respect for animals was instilled in Shirley at a young age. Growing up on a farm in Massachusetts, Shirley had plenty of opportunities to befriend animals of all kinds.

“We had rabbits, chickens, cows, horses, and cats, you name it,” said Shirley. “I wanted to bring all of the animals inside. Dad was not happy about that.”

Over the years, Shirley and Toby welcomed many canine companions into their family and made regular donations to local animal welfare organizations in their community. But when they were forced to put down their longtime companion, Smokey, a mixed-breed shelter dog and member of the family for more than 18 years, Shirley was so heartbroken that she decided she would never adopt another dog. Instead, she doubled the couple’s efforts to support local animal welfare organizations that needed support.

“I gave to everything,” said Shirley, “any animal organization that needed help. I didn’t care if it was a skunk who needed help. I sent money to help.”

Then in 2003, Toby was diagnosed with cancer and given a year to live. He had one request of Shirley:

“I want a dog,” he said.

Days later, the couple ran into a colleague who was returning from his veterinarian’s office with a litter of yellow labs. Toby scooped a wiggling puppy into his arms. He looked at Shirley, and they both knew that Esmerelda “Little Molly” had found a home.

To the surprise of doctors, Toby lived for more than eight years, fighting for his life with Molly by his side. “She never left him,” said Shirley. “They were always cuddled up together. Molly would lay in the bed with him with her head on his leg. She slept with us.” They soon discovered that Molly was fighting a battle of her own. Molly was diagnosed with lymphoma.

“Whatever happens,” Toby said to Shirley, “When I’m gone, take care of Molly.”

Toby passed away in 2012. Soon after, Molly became extremely ill. After seven months of dialysis, with Shirley a constant by her side, Molly too passed away.

“I spent so much time at the veterinarian’s office, meeting sick animals and their caregivers,” said Shirley. “I realized there is a real need in our community to reach out to sick animals whose caregivers don’t have the means to provide them with life-sustaining medical care.

“They can’t talk,” she said. “They need our help.”

Established in 2013, The MacCallum Family Fund for Animal Welfare is an endowed field-of-interest fund. The fund accepts donations from the community to provide in perpetuity resources for sick and suffering animals who require extensive and often expensive medical treatments to prolong their lives.

“I always wanted to do something for animals,” said Shirley. “This fund will continue to help them long after I’m gone.”

2012 Grants

Bank of Boston Fund United Way of Northwest CT, Inc. | $175 to support the purchase of new computer hardware (Total award was $1,650 with $950 from the Brooks Bank Fund and $525 from the John Brooks Fund.)

Brooks Bank Fund United Way of Northwest CT, Inc. | $950 to support the purchase of new computer hardware (Total award was $1,650 with $175 from the Bank of Boston Fund and $525 from the John Brooks Fund.)

John Brooks Fund United Way of Northwest CT, Inc. | $525 to support the purchase of new computer hardware (Total award was $1,650 with $175 from the Bank of Boston Fund and $950 from the Brooks Bank Fund.)

Susan A. Bruso Memorial Fund Botelle Elementary School | $50 to purchase two savings bonds for two designated students: Adeline Hestor and Brandon Lakatos

The Buchanan Fund Crescendo, Inc. | $1,000 to support the November 2012 concert
Crescendo, Inc. | $1,000 in support of the annual appeal
Dartmouth College Fund | $1,000 in support of the Fund
Housatonic Valley Association | $1,500 to support the organization and its mission
United Church of Christ in Cornwall | $18,000 in two grants to support the organization and its mission
Vassar College Annual Fund/Class Giving | $1,000 in support of scholarships

Miriam Mason Cable Trust Fund Harwinton Historical Society | $3,000 to replace shingles on the Barn Museum
Harwinton Public Library | $3,012 to purchase an AWE Early Learning Station

The Cancer Care Fund of the Litchfield Hills Center for Cancer Care in Torrington | $160,500 in multiple disbursements for patient assistance

Robert V. Carr Fund Goshen Public Library | $1,100 in two disbursements to support programming in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the publication of A Wrinkle in Time

Robert Venn Carr, Jr. Fund Goshen Public Library | $876.15 in two disbursements to support programming in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the publication of A Wrinkle in Time
Torrington Community Radio Foundation | $3,000 to support the purchase of upgraded radio equipment

Marion Coe Fund VNA Northwest, Inc. | $750 to support homecare services for un- and under-insured patients

Cornwall Conservation Trust Funds Cornwall Conservation Trust, Inc. | $5,000 for operational support
Cornwall Conservation Trust, Inc. | $2,250 in support of the 2012 Scholarship Program

Cornwall Foundation General Fund Cornwall Foundation Fund | $3,390 to support Cornwall Emergency Medical Services’ purchase of four AEDs

Cornwall Library Endowment Fund Cornwall Library Association | $15,500 in five disbursements for operational support

Eva M. Coty Fund Prime Time House | $2,500 to support the production of Truly Dually
Girl Scouts of Connecticut | $2,900 to support the Girlz R.U.L.E Program in five schools in Torrington

Mary H. Coutant Fund for Rising Star Camp Winchester Youth Service Bureau | $1,400 for operational support

Critter Fund Little Guild of Saint Francis | $500 in support of the Pittie Party event

Ruth and Robert Cron Endowment Fund After School Arts Program | $2,500 to support an eight-week inter-district environmental program for 4th graders

Draper Foundation Fund Beardsley & Memorial Library | $85,410 in two disbursements for operational support
Colebrook Associates, Inc. | $8,190 in support of the organization
Colebrook Congregational Church | $17,550 in two disbursements in support of the organization
Colebrook Historical Society | $4,680 in two disbursements in support of the organization
Colebrook Senior & Community Center | $2,500 to support the Kitchen Equipment Upgrade Project
The Community Foundation of Northwest CT, Inc. | $1,000 to support the Annual Appeal
Community Kitchen of Torrington | $5,000 to support meals for Torrington families for one month
Cornell University for the Cornell Feline Health Center College of Vet Medicine | $8,190 in honor of services provided by Dr. Russell Kellogg, in support of the organization

Greenwoods Scholarship Foundation, Inc. | $51,480 in two disbursements in support of the organization

Helping Hands Chore Service, Inc. | $5,500 to support the expansion of chore services for Helping Hands clients

LARC, Inc. | $50,000 to support the second phase of a capital improvements project

Last Post Cat Refuge (Vivisection Investigation League) | $102,960 in two disbursements in support of the organization

Little Guild of Saint Francis | $102,960 in two disbursements for operational support

Northwest CT YMCA | $51,480 in two disbursements in support of the organization

Northwestern CT Community College | $86,580 in two disbursements in support of the organization

Northwestern CT Community College | $7,095 to purchase a Dentalair Prestige Dental Station

Northwestern CT Community College | $2,500 to support the Workforce Development Program

Salvation Army | $33,930 in two disbursements in support of the organization

Susan B. Anthony Project | $25,000 to support the Healthy Relationships Prevention/Education Program

Tufts University School of Veterinarian Medicine | $8,190 in two disbursements in memory of 'Zeus Florian' (a Great Dane), in support of the organization

University of Connecticut Foundation, Inc. | $57,330 in two disbursements for operational support

University of Connecticut Foundation, Inc. | $113,490 in two disbursements for scholarships

Visiting Nurse Services of CT | $5,000 to support the Medically Underserved Program

We Adopt Greyhounds, Inc. | $33,930 in two disbursements in support of the organization

Winchester Youth Service Bureau | $22,230 in two disbursements in support of the organization

Winsted Area Child Care Center | $22,230 in two disbursements in support of the organization

Winsted Area Child Care Center | $7,650 to support teacher education and training

W. L. Gilbert Trust Corporation | $33,930 in two disbursements in support of general educational purposes

Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue | $8,190 in support of the organization

Draper Foundation Fund Critical-needs grants $21,000

Barkhamsted Senior Center | $300

Church of Christ Congregational, Norfolk | $1,000

Community Food Bank | $1,000

Community Kitchen of Torrington | $1,000

Elderly Nutrition Program | $1,200

Falls Village Emergency Relief/Fuel Fund | $1,000

Falls Village Senior Center | $800

FISH of Northwestern CT | $1,000

Fishes & Loaves Food Pantry | $1,000

Geer Adult Day Center | $800

Helping Hands Chore Service, Inc. | $1,000

Kent Community Fund, Inc. | $1,000

Mental Health Association of CT | $500

North Canaan Social Services | $1,000

Northwest Corner Fuel Bank | $1,000

Northwest CT YMCA-Winsted Branch | $800

Salvation Army Winsted Regional Service Center | $2,000

Susan B. Anthony Project | $1,000

VNA Northwest, Inc. | $500

Winchester Center Congregational Church | $750

Winchester Youth Service Bureau | $1,000

Women's Support Services | $350

The Echo Valley Foundation Fund for operational support

The American Mural Project | $500

American Whitewater | $100

Amnesty International | $500

Atlas Society | $100

Connecticut Farmland Trust | $200

Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres | $1,000

Heifer International | $1,000

The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp | $500

International Myeloma Foundation | $100

Institute for Justice | $2,000

Lakeville Hose Company | $1,000

Landon School | $200

Liberty | $200

Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation | $200,000

New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell | $1,000

Reason Foundation | $200

Salisbury Family Services, Inc. | $1,000

Salisbury Volunteer Ambulance Service | $1,000

Scleroderma Research Foundation | $100

Scoville Memorial Library Association | $500

Trickle Up | $200

Whitewater Slalom Foundation | $25,000

Yale Alumni Fund | $100

Marion Wm. & Alice Edwards Fund
Audubon Sharon | $2,000 to support wildlife rehabilitation and animal education programs

Colebrook Historical Society | $2,000 to support the protection of archived documents

The Community Foundation of Northwest CT, Inc. | $7,000 in support of The Plan to end Homelessness in Northwest CT

Crescendo, Inc. | $1,000 to support the educational component of Crescendo's Baroque Polish PolyChoral Sacred Works lecture/concert tour

The Norfolk Library | $10,000 matching grant to support the Norfolk Library Audio Visual Initiative, a total matching of $13,000 with $3,000 from the Keroden Endowed Fund

Northwest CT Arts Council | $10,000 in support of an infrastructure transition

Possum Queen Foundation | $300 in support of the Possum Festival fundraiser

United Way of Northwest CT, Inc. | $1,800 to purchase and install twelve signs on the Susan Grossman Greenway Trail

Wellspring Foundation, Inc. | $3,981 to support an animal-related program for children with emotional and behavioral challenges

Youth Opportunities | $4,000 for the expansion of a tutoring, mentoring and dance instruction program for Hispanic youth in Torrington

Youth Opportunities | $8,500 to support counseling for Latino high school students with mental and behavior disorders

Marion Wm. & Alice Edwards critical-needs grants | $20,000 in small grants to the following organizations

Bethlehem House of Bread | $750

Canaan Child Care Center, Inc. | $700

The Chore Service | $750

Connecticut Junior Republic | $500

Cornwall Food and Fuel Fund | $1,200

Family Resource Ctr at Vogel-Wetmore School | $750

Friendly Hands Food Bank, Inc. | $1,000

Goshen Community Care & Hospice | $1,000

Goshen Good Neighbor Fund | $750

Hartland Community Assistance / Food Bank | $1,000

Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $750

Litchfield Social Services | $1,000

The McCall Foundation | $500

OWL's Kitchen of Lakeville | $1,000

The Salvation Army of Torrington | $2,000

Sharon Food Bank | $1,000

Torrington Area Council of Churches Emergency Fund | $1,000

Torrington Area Youth Service Bureau | $1,000

Trinity Episcopal Church | $1,000

Visiting Nurse Services of CT | $500

The Warren Good Neighbor Fund | $500

Wellspring Foundation, Inc. | $1,000

Women's Support Services | $350

Falls Village Children's Theater Company Building Fund
Falls Village Children's Theater Company | $2,205 in support of vestibule construction

First National Bank of Litchfield Fund
The Chore Service | $100 in support of the 20th Anniversary Garden Party

Fleet General Fund
The Torrington Library | $750 in support of "History's Mysteries"

Foundation for Norfolk Living Fund
The Foundation for Norfolk Living, Inc. | $11,667.86 to support affordable housing in Norfolk

Friends of Hospice General Fund
Friends of Hospice | $5,000 in support of a massage therapy program

Friends of Hospice Mildred S. Pascale Fund
Friends of Hospice | $7,000 in support of children's bereavement and massage therapy programs

Friends of New Hartford Fund
New Hartford Historical Society | $1,875 in support of a sign for the Ann Antolini School

Carlton D. Fyler and Jenny R. Fyler Fund
Civic Life Project | $4,500 to support the development of the Civic Life Project's 2013 Programming
Cradle to Classroom, Winchester's Early Care & Education Council | $2,500 to support a volunteer training program and preschool scholarship fund
Explorations Charter School | $2,000 for the purchase of laptop computers, a SMART board and a TV/DVD player
LARC, Inc. | $5,000 to support the purchase of a golf cart for Camp Moe
Litchfield County BMX Group, Inc. | $3,000 to support repairs on Turn 3 of the BMX track
Nutmeg Symphony Orchestra | $2,000 in support of two educational children's concerts
Rebuilding Together of Litchfield County | $1,000 to support the purchase of materials, supplies and skilled professionals for Rebuilding Together Litchfield County
Regional School District #6 | $3,500 to support the purchase of equipment for the Litchbots Robotics Team

Torrington Public Schools | $7,500 in support of the Building Bridges Summer Program at Forbes Elementary School

Warren School Arts Enrichment Committee | $1,500 in support of the After School Arts Enrichment Program

Gillian and Polly Fund Susan B. Anthony Project | $250 in support of the organization

Dr. John S. Glenn Fund for Nurses Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration | $1,100 for the education of nurses

Holley-Doremus Fund in support of the organization The Community Foundation of Northwest CT, Inc. | $140 Harwinton Historical Society | $140 Harwinton Land Conservation Trust | $140 NW Center for Family Service & Mental Health | $140 Susan B. Anthony Project | $280 Torrington Historical Society | $280 United Way of Northwest CT, Inc. | $280

Anson and Caroline Catlin Hungerford Trust VNA Northwest, Inc. | $750 to support homecare services for un-and under-insured patients

Keroden Designated Fund Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration | $8,400 in support of the organization

Keroden Endowed Fund Connecticut Land Conservation Council | $1,500 to support the facilitation of two conservation roundtables Greenwoods Counseling Referrals | $2,000 to support operations for Greenwoods Counseling Referrals The Norfolk Library | $3,000 for a matching grant to support the Norfolk Library Audio Visual Initiative, a total matching of $13,000 from the Marion Wm. & Alice Edwards Fund Torrington Child Care Center | $1,780 to support basic Spanish classes for pre-school teachers

Jeffrey and Susan Lalonde Community Betterment Fund American Cancer Society | $1,000 in support of Camp Rising Sun Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration | $500 to support its mission and to provide necessary health care services, while investing in new technology, alliances and expansion efforts FISH of Northwestern CT | $500 to support the organization and its mission to provide services to those in need Goshen Community Care & Hospice | $100 to support the organization and its mission Goshen Good Neighbor Fund | $250 to support the organization and its mission The Goshen Players, Inc. | $250 in support of the organization's expansion of events and productions Goshen Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. | $100 for the purchase of equipment Northwest CT YMCA | $300 for tuition assistance for Strong Kids Torrington Historical Society | $100 to support the organization and its mission to strengthen the sense of community and preserve history and education and inspire youth The Torrington Library | $300 in support of educational and entertaining program offerings

Litchfield Community Center Music Fund Litchfield Community Center, Inc. | $2,305 to support four programs: Irish Fest, Friday Feast & Dancing, E. Boscarino Italycious, and Family Musical Journey Litchfield Community Center, Inc. | $4,175 to support fall programs in 2012: 4 luncheons; 5 teen dances; a Flamenco music concert; music for the Harvest Bounty Wine & Brewfest; and the Community Dinner & Dance

Local Area Fund Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut | $50,000 in support of Hurricane Sandy Relief Norfolk Chamber Music Festival | $25,000 in support of the 2012 Norfolk Chamber Music Festival The Norfolk Land Trust | $500 in support of the Land Trust endowment Norfolk Lions Club Ambulance | $10,000 to support the purchase of a new ambulance Norfolk Lions Club Ambulance | $7,500 in support of the volunteer ambulance service in support of the organization Battell Arts Foundation, Inc. | $500 The Chore Service | $500 Connecticut Forest & Park Association | $500 Foothills Visiting Nurse & Home Care, Inc. | $1,000 Great Mountain Forest Corporation | $500 Greenwoods Counseling Referrals | $500 Housatonic Valley Association | $500 Norfolk Historical Society | $500 Norfolk Senior Housing Corp. | $500 Northwest Conservation District | $500 Yankee Institute for Public Policy | $5,000

Miles for Moe Fund Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Administration | $800 to buy toys for children having a procedure at the hospital

CT Children's Medical Center | $3,000 to assist families of children with cancer

LARC, Inc. | $15,000 to provide financial assistance to low-income families whose children attend Camp Moe

Southwest Elementary School | $3,200 to support the special needs section of a new playscape

Robert C. Miller and Carol H. Miller Fund Oliver Wolcott Library, Inc. | $500 for the Carol H. Miller Memorial Books

New Hartford Education Fund Northwestern Regional High School | $100 in support of the Robotics Student Activity Fund

Northwest Connecticut Philanthropy Fund Audubon Sharon | $370 to support environmental studies for high school students

Education Connection | $1,190 in support of the NCEHY from Southside Cafe's George Mazzaferro Memorial Fund

Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $1,000 in support of the Youth in Philanthropy program

Litchfield Community Center, Inc. | $1,000 in support of the Youth in Philanthropy program

Northwestern CT Regional Planning Collaborative | $5,000 for operational support

Northwestern CT YMCA Fund Northwest CT YMCA | $40,017 in support of general operations

The Molly O'Connell Fund Irish American Cultural Institute | $1,000 to support the 'Irish Way' scholarship

Pass-Through MM Grants Fund Community Kitchen of Torrington | $1,275 for food

Northwestern CT Regional Planning Collaborative | $17,664 in four disbursements for operational support

Northwestern CT Regional Planning Collaborative | $15,000 in support of capacity building from CERC

Northwestern CT Regional Planning Collaborative | $5,000 in support of the Valley Center Vitality Initiative

Northwestern CT Regional Planning Collaborative | $1,323 in support of Preservation of Place

Pierpont Chapter #49 Order of Eastern Star Fund Joyful Noise, Inc. | $500 in support of one concert

Rebensacla Fund Trinity Lime Rock Episcopal Church | $300 in support of the organization and its mission

Edwin M. Stone & Edith H. Stone Fund FOCUS Center for Autism | $3,800 to support two-week scholarships for two children

Litchfield Community Center, Inc. | $4,000 to support the development and implementation of an after school arts program

Music in Common | $3,000 to support programs in Torrington schools

Torrington Historical Society | $1,900 to support the design, production, and installation of new signage

Winchester Schools PTO | $3,000 to support the purchase of SMART board projectors

The Suter Fund TriArts at the Sharon Playhouse | $1,500 in two disbursements in support of the organization and its mission

Louis O. Thibeault Fund for the Advancement of Children's Education $722.99 in grant support to provide eyeglasses for two children

$133.39 in grant support to provide homeless children moving into an apartment with clothing and sheets

Education Connection | $359.10 in support of Junior Dress for Success

Torrington Club Fund Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $1,000 to support the F.Y.I. Program

Torrington Savings Fund The Chore Service | $150 in support of the 20th Anniversary Garden Party

Torrington Savings Bank Fund Housatonic Youth Service Bureau | $250 to support the F.Y.I. Program

Tree of Life Memorial Fund at the Center for Cancer Care Center for Cancer Care in Torrington | $3,500 in support of the patient assistance program

Margaret C. Tupper Fund American Cancer Society | $3,000 to provide a campership experience for a child with cancer at Camp Rising Sun

LARC, Inc. |$500 in support of the 2012 LARC Festival of Trees

Washington Art Association, Inc., Endowed Fund Washington Art Association, Inc. | $31,800 in three disbursements for operational support

Weigold Family Fund Shriners Hospital for Children | $500 in support of the organization and its mission

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | $500 in support of the organization and its mission

The Women & Girls Fund

Northwest CT YMCA | $1,500 to provide financial assistance for registrants of the girls' volleyball program

Prime Time House | $1,700 in continued support of the W.I.S.H. program

VNA Northwest, Inc. | $750 to support the purchase of a hand-held pulse oximeter, adaptive attachments and baby stethoscope

YMCA Camp Mohawk / Arlene Foulds Memorial Fund

YMCA Camp Mohawk Inc. | $500 for tuition assistance

YMCA Camp Mohawk / Cindy Morse Leadership Development Fund

YMCA Camp Mohawk, Inc. | $2,842 in support of the organization and its mission

Grants made possible by funding from the Connecticut Humanities Council

Cornwall Historical Society | $500 for the "Out of the Woods: The Story of Cornwall's Forests" exhibition

Gunn Memorial Library & Museum | $1,035 for the "Crocks, Jugs and Pots: Early American Stoneware" exhibition

Hartland Historical Society | $500 in support of the Camp Alice Merritt Event

Housatonic Valley Association | $1,000 for the "History on the Housatonic" presentation

Hotchkiss Library of Sharon | $1,200 for a series of six scholar-led book discussions

Institute for American Indian Studies | $1,500 for a video on Algonkian Indians of the 16th century

Norfolk Historical Society | $1,500 in support of the Frank DeMars & His Postcards exhibit

Oliver Wolcott Library, Inc. | $957.27 for three Mark Twain scholar-led book discussions

Torrington Historical Society | $1,645 for a series of six lectures during the spring, summer, and fall

Grants made possible through the John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation, a supporting organization of the Community Foundation of Northwest CT

Animal Protective Foundation | $100,000 as a matching grant to fund the building of a new spay/neuter clinic

Animal Rescue Foundation | $50,000 as a matching grant to support new building construction (a multi-year grant, $25,000 was provided in 2012, an additional $25,000 is awarded for $2013)

New Funds in 2012

Bernice H. Harmon Hospice Fund
Established as an endowment to provide current income and long-term protection for the operations of the Goshen Community Care and Hospice, Inc.

Harwinton Library Friends Fund
This fund supports the Harwinton Public Library as well as charitable scientific or educational initiatives in Harwinton.

Lee Tangarone Memorial Fund for Children's Programs and Collections
This non-endowed fund supports children's books, material and programming at the Licia and Mason Beekley Community Library.

Cornwall Historical Society Endowment Fund
This endowed fund supports the charitable, scientific and educational purposes of the Cornwall Historical Society with current income and long-term stability.

Little Guild Operational Fund
This endowed fund provides income and long-term protection for the operations of The Little Guild of Saint Francis.

Chuck Pataky Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship supports graduating senior(s) at Torrington High School who participate in athletics and demonstrate exceptional character, effort, and determination despite challenging life circumstances.

Winsted Area Child Care Center Endowment Fund
This fund provides current income and long-term security for the Winsted Area Child Care Center.

Draper Foundation Fund
The late Jim and Shirley Draper’s gift of $30 million will forever serve as a testament to their exceptional kindness and generosity. One of the largest single gifts on record to a community foundation in the state of Connecticut, the fund benefits mainly local charitable organizations by making yearly grants to 19 nonprofits named by the Drapers, as well as through annual donor-advised grants.

New Funds in 2013

CCT-Van Valkenburgh/Burkardt Stewardship Fund

Tim Considine Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in honor of beloved community member, Tim Considine, the fund provides support to Torrington residents currently enrolled as seniors in a high school or vocational technical school who are seeking admission to an accredited university. Preference is given to students who participate in school and/or organized sports while demonstrating academic achievement, and a commitment to organized religion and who display exemplary character through either extracurricular accomplishments or community service.

Five Points Gallery Fund
This non-endowed pass-through fund was established to support the charitable purposes of Five Points Gallery.

Litchfield Garden Club Centennial Fund
Established in honor of the Garden Club’s Centennial, the fund furthers the Club’s charitable mission to educate members and the public in scientific and artistic methods of gardening, stimulate interest in horticulture, encourage and assist in civic beautification, raise environmental awareness and protect and conserve our national and historic heritage.

The MacCallum Family Fund for Animal Welfare
The endowed Fund was established to provide emergency medical care for sick, injured and or/neglected animals, to provide animals in-need with financial assistance for medical care and to enhance community education of veterinary medicine.

One Twenty One Fund
This donor-advised fund supports charitable, scientific and educational initiatives in Northwest CT.

Torrington Veteran's Memorial Wall Fund
This fund supports the maintenance of the Veteran's Memorial Wall located at 140 Main Street, Torrington as well as the Association's charitable work to honor and memorialize local veterans and educate the public about the role of local veterans throughout history.

Unrestricted and Field-of-Interest Funds

1421 Opportunity Fund | est. 2002 This fund was created to assist at-risk teens in Northwest Connecticut.

Roberta Lee August Fund | est. 1998 This fund was established to honor Ms. August, a longstanding Foundation volunteer.

Bank of Boston Fund | est. 1998 Created by local executives at the then Bank of Boston, this permanent fund supports the Foundation and the communities it serves.

Brooks Bank Fund | est. 1970 One of the first to be established at the Foundation, this fund was initiated by employees of the Torrington based Brooks Bank, which subsequently merged with Colonial Bank and Trust Company.

John Brooks Fund | est. 1977 A prominent Torrington banker, Mr. Brooks established this endowment to assist area nonprofit organizations in perpetuity.

Miriam Mason Cable Trust Fund | est. 2006 Established by Peter Cable, of Harwinton, in honor of his wife, this field-of-interest fund provides support for human service organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life for residents of the Greater Torrington area.

Robert V. Carr Fund | est. 1985 This unrestricted fund directs much of its support to health and human service organizations, the library, and to organizations engaged in the promotion of the arts and the beautification of the community.

Robert Venn Carr Jr. Fund | est. 1985 Founder of the Litchfield County Insurance and Travel Agency, in Torrington, Mr. Carr established this endowed fund as a token of his appreciation and to enhance the quality of life for the people of the community.

Eva M. Coty Fund | est. 1998 This fund was established by bequest to enhance the quality of life for citizens of Litchfield County.

Critter Fund | est. 2005 Initiated by the Foundation, this fund supports nonprofit organizations in the Northwest Corner dedicated to animal welfare.

Ruth and Robert Cron Endowment Fund | est. 2007 Established anonymously, this fund honors the memory of Ruth E. Cron.

Marion Wm. and Alice Edwards Fund | est. 2004 Established by a bequest of $2.75 million, this fund will support the crucial work of nonprofit organizations in the Foundation’s service area for generations to come. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, both educators with a long history of civic involvement, were dedicated to learning and devoted to Torrington.

Emeritus Fund | est. 2011 Proceeds from this field-of-interest fund, which honors past members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors for their dedicated service, are used to support the efforts of local nonprofits to enhance their governance.

First National Bank of Litchfield Fund | est. 1997 This endowment will continue to support the Foundation and the communities it serves in perpetuity.

Fleet General Fund

Friends Helping Children Fund | est. 1999 Torrington residents created this endowed fund to assist children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

Lucia Tuttle Fritz Fund | est. 2008 A lifelong resident of Torrington, Mrs. Fritz established this unrestricted fund through a bequest.

Carlton D. Fyler and Jenny R. Fyler Fund | est. 1988 The Fylers created this endowment for public charitable use through a bequest in their wills.

Anson and Caroline Catlin Hungerford Trust Fund | est. 2007 This field-of-interest fund, established by Mr. Newman Hungerford in memory of his parents, assists deserving residents of Harwinton with their hospital-related medical expenses.

Kent Cultural Arts and Music Fund | est. 2007 This field-of-interest fund supports cultural programs within the Kent community, with a preference for music-related programs that appeal to a wide audience.

Keroden Endowed Fund | est. 2002 Established anonymously, this unrestricted fund enables the Foundation to meet a broad range of evolving community needs.

Pierpont Chapter #49 Order of the Eastern Star Fund | est. 2005 This fund was established in memory of Deborah A. Goldthwaite, Past Matron of Pierpont Chapter #49 Order of the Eastern Star.

Edwin M. Stone and Edith H. Stone Fund | est. 1971 Established through the estates of Mr. and Mrs. Stone, this fund supports nonprofit organizations in the Foundation’s service area.


Louis O. Thibeault Children’s Fund | est. 2009 This field-of-interest fund was established by Mr. Thibeault to advance the education of disadvantaged children by addressing obstacles to learning specifically related to their health, well-being and/or technology deficits. The fund strives to enhance learning by assisting families of limited means with associated expenses.

Torrington Club Fund | est. 1969 This fund established the original Torrington Area Foundation for Public Giving as a community foundation.

Torrington Savings Bank Fund | est. 1997 Established by the management of the Torrington Savings Bank, this endowed fund supports the Foundation and the communities it serves.

Margaret C. Tupper Fund | est. 1993 Established through a bequest in her will, Ms. Tupper’s endowed fund will continue to improve the quality of life for future generations of Northwest Connecticut residents.

Feliciano and Lydia Turri Zaccheo Fund | est. 1999 This endowed fund, which memorializes a well-known Torrington couple, helps to improve the lives of citizens in northwest Connecticut.

Donor-Advised and Designated Funds

Mary Ellen Adamo Scholarship Fund | est. 2004 Established by the family of Mary Ellen Adamo to honor her memory, this fund provides tuition assistance to female students at Torrington’s Nutmeg Conservatory for the Arts.

Barbara Oneglia Alvarez Tycienski (B.O.A.T.) Fund | est. 1994 This fund was established to support youth organizations within the Foundation’s service area.

Borghesi Family Fund | est. 1999 Created by Allan and Maria Borghesi, this fund helps to improve the quality of life in Northwest Connecticut.

Susan A. Bruso Memorial Fund | est. 2004 Established in memory of Ms. Bruso, a Winsted resident who worked for many years in the technology industry, this fund supports charities in Norfolk and also awards annual scholarships to Botelle Elementary School graduates.

The Buchanan Fund | est. 2009 A gift from the William E. and Josephine B. Buchanan Family Foundation, Inc., established this donor-advised fund, which supports area charitable organizations.

The Canaan Foundation Funds | est. 2006 The Canaan Foundation, a nonprofit organization, established these community-specific funds to enhance the quality of life for residents of Canaan.

Peter G. Cerruto Memorial Fund | est. 2004 Established by family and friends, this fund honors the memory of Mr. Cerruto, a World War II Navy veteran who was devoted to Torrington. Mr. Cerruto is survived by his wife, Gladys Cerruto, who is active in the Foundation’s Women & Girls Fund.

Charter Oak Review Fund | est. 2002 This fund was established by Harry Harlow to manage the funds of Charter Oak Review, a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to support deserving writers.

Susan F. Cogswell Memorial Fund | est. 2010 Established in memory of Ms. Cogswell, a lifelong Torrington resident and former state insurance commissioner known for her commitment to public service, this donor-advised fund supports charitable endeavors in Northwest Connecticut.

The Cornwall Foundation Fund | est. 2002 The Cornwall Foundation, Inc., is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for residents of Cornwall.

Mary H. Coutant Fund for Rising Star Camp | est. 2001 Serving at-risk children aged five to 15, the club encourages healthy choices and goal-setting.

The Echo Valley Foundation Fund | est. 2009 Established anonymously, this donor-advised fund supports charitable, scientific or educational initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.

Edwards Community Endowment Project Fund Grants from this fund are made to match (1:4) endowment monies raised by participating organizations.

Elson-Slemmer Fund for the Environment | est. 2007 Established by Sandra Elson Slemmer and David Slemmer, this fund is used primarily for charitable, scientific or educational support relating to the protection of the natural environment, with a primary focus in Northwest Connecticut.

Friends of New Hartford Fund | est. 2002 Begun by longtime New Hartford resident David L. Childs, this fund provides grants to charitable organizations in New Hartford.

Jim and Nancy Garfield Fund for the Arts | est. 2002 Established by Mr. and Mrs. Garfield, this fund supports the area’s cultural life.

Gillian and Polly Fund | est. 2001 This endowed fund supports Trinity Episcopal Church, in Torrington, and the Susan B. Anthony Project.

Richard M. Gilman Memorial Fund | est. 2003 Mary Gilman began this fund to carry on the work of her late husband, Richard, whose efforts to help people extended from Torrington to Zimbabwe.

Dr. John S. Glenn Fund for Nurses | est. 2000 Grants from this fund are used to benefit clinical staff at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital.

Sue Grossman Still River Greenway Fund | est. 1999 Created by the Still River Greenway committees of Torrington and Winsted, this fund supports the construction of a five-mile path for bicycling and walking between the towns.

Holley-Doremus Fund | est. 2010 Established by the late Mary Holley Doremus, of Harwinton, with the remainder of a trust created during her lifetime, this designated fund provides grants to a variety of area charitable organizations.

Keroden Designated Fund | est. 2002 Established anonymously, this fund provides support for clinical education at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital.

Jeffrey and Susan Lalonde Fund for Community Betterment | est. 2005 Established by Mr. and Mrs. Lalonde, this fund supports efforts to improve the quality of life in Litchfield County.

Richard Leone COCC Fund | est. 2004 Mr. Leone, president of Avon-based COCC, established this fund to benefit local charities. Formerly Connecticut Online Computer Center, Inc., COCC is a leading provider of technology for community banks and other financial institutions in the region.

Litchfield Community Center Music Fund | est. 2002 Established by the late Dan North, this endowed fund supports danceable music programs held at the Litchfield Community Center.

Local Area Fund | est. 2002 Established anonymously, this fund furthers the philanthropic goals of a local donor family.

Robert C. Miller and Carol H. Miller Fund | est. 2006 This fund benefits area charitable organizations.

Miles for Moe Fund | est. 2011 Established by Torrington residents Emil and Colleen Renzullo, this donor-advised fund honors the memory of their son by supporting LARC’s camp for children with and without special needs. The camp’s namesake, Emil “Moe” Renzullo Jr., succumbed to leukemia in 2010, at age 12.

Muff Maskovsky Fund | est. 1999 Established to honor a past chairman of the Foundation’s board of directors, this fund contributes especially to education in Northwest Connecticut.

Cara and Carl Muller Fund for Community Support | est. 2006 The Mullers created this fund to support emerging community needs.

New Hartford Education Fund | est. 2006 Proceeds from this fund are used to support educational initiatives in the town of New Hartford.

Northwest Connecticut Philanthropy Fund| est. 2008 This endowed fund, comprised of undesignated gifts to the Foundation, is used to support emerging community needs.

The Molly O’Connell Fund | est. 2011 This donor-advised fund, established by family of the late Molly O’Connell, supports charitable initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.

Brian J. O’Neil Memorial Fund | est. 2004 This fund was established in memory of Mr. O’Neil, a native of Winsted, after his untimely death on December 3, 2004, at age 50. The husband of Gail Williams O’Neil, Mr. O’Neil was a respected businessman and graduate of The Gilbert School and Central Connecticut State University.

Andrew Pike Memorial Fund | est. 2010 Established by family of the late Andrew Pike, this donor-advised fund supports charitable endeavors in Northwest Connecticut.

Rebensacla Fund | est. 2010 Established anonymously, this donor-advised fund supports charitable initiatives in Northwest Connecticut.

JoAnn Ryan Fund | est. 2003 This fund was established to support various local charities.

Polly and Wesley Strand and James L. Holmes Fund for Programs for Women and Children | est. 2006 Torrington businesswoman Susan Strand established this fund to honor her late parents, Polly and Wesley Strand, for their devotion to community service.

The Suter Fund | est. 2010 This donor-advised fund was established by William P. Suter of Lakeville to assist worthy charitable organizations in Northwest Connecticut.

Seth L. Tracy Memorial Fund for Special Needs | est. 2004 Established by the family of Seth Leo Tracy, this fund
honors his memory with grants to organizations that serve individuals with special needs.

Cornwall Conservation Trust Funds | est. 2005 These funds are used for land acquisition and management with the aim of preserving unspoiled open space for the benefit of the community at large. A Student Grants Fund provides scholarships for Region 1 students who demonstrate a concern for the environment.

Cornwall Library Endowment Fund | est. 2008 Established through the Edwards Community Endowment Project, this permanent fund contributes to the library’s long-term stability.

Falls Village Children’s Theater Company Fund | est. 2006 This fund supports cultural enrichment through theatrical and performing arts and arts education in the Falls Village community.

Foundation for Norfolk Living Fund | est. 2006 This agency pass-through fund is used to support the charitable purposes of The Foundation for Norfolk Living, Inc.

Arlene Foulds Memorial/YMCA Camp Mohawk Fund | est. 2008 Proceeds from this permanent fund, established in memory of Arlene Foulds, are used to support the YMCA’s Camp Mohawk for Girls.

Friends of Hospice Funds | est. 2002 and 2007 Multiple agency funds are used to support Friends of Hospice, the foremost provider of services for terminally ill residents of Litchfield, Harwinton, and Torrington.

Goshen Community Care and Hospice Fund | est. 2005 Proceeds from this fund are used to help finance health care in the town of Goshen, especially for the elderly and chronically ill.

Goshen Historical Society Capital Fund | est. 2011 This fund will support capital projects of the Goshen Historical Society.

Goshen Historical Society Endowment Fund | est. 2008 This fund will support the long-term needs of the Goshen Historical Society.

Goshen Public Library Endowment Fund | est. 2006 This fund will support the Goshen Public Library in perpetuity.

The Wayne M. Gnazzo and Family Fund A lifelong Torrington resident, Mr. Gnazzo established this donor-advised fund to support charitable endeavors in Northwest Connecticut.

Heritage Land Preservation Trust Funds | est. 2008 These funds are used to support the charitable purposes of the Heritage Land Preservation Trust.

Theodore A. Hungerford Memorial Museum Association Endowment Fund | est. 2010 This designated agency fund supports the museum and its mission in perpetuity.

The Little Guild Endowment Fund | est. 2011 This fund provides for the long-term needs and supports the charitable efforts of the Little Guild of Saint Francis for the Welfare of Animals, Inc.

Cindy Morse Leadership Development/YMCA Camp Mohawk Fund | est. 2006
Proceeds from this fund, established in memory of Cindy Morse and her inspirational leadership as a director and trustee of the camp, are used to support the YMCA’s Camp Mohawk for Girls in perpetuity.

Northwestern Connecticut YMCA Funds | est. 2007
These agency funds are used to provide operational support and to perpetuate the charitable purposes of the Northwestern Connecticut YMCA.

Operations Fund | est. 1998
This fund allows individuals and businesses to contribute to the operating expenses of the Foundation.

Railroad Museum of New England – Hazel Koch Fund | est. 2005
Proceeds from this fund will be used to support the Railroad Museum of New England in perpetuity.

The River Stewards of Tomorrow Fund | est. 2009
Proceeds from this designated agency endowment support the Housatonic Valley Association’s conservation efforts by educating and training future generations to be stewards of the environment.

Susan B. Anthony Project Endowment Fund | est. 2007
This permanent fund is used to support the Susan B. Anthony Project and its affiliated agencies, if any.

Susan B. Anthony Project Polly’s Dream Client Assistance Fund | est. 2007
This designated agency fund is used primarily to support the Susan B. Anthony Project, although grants may be recommended to any qualified nonprofit organization regardless of service location.

Torrington Arts in Education Funds | est. 2004
With the belief that arts education enriches all academic experience and enhances skills such as reading, writing and mathematics, this fund was established by the Torrington Public Schools to improve arts education throughout the district by partnering with area arts organizations to broaden students’ exposure to, and appreciation of, the arts.

Torrington Rotary Foundation Fund | est. 2002
The Torrington Rotary established this fund to support its continued service to the community.

United Way of Northwest Connecticut’s “1943 Society” Fund | est. 2005
This endowed fund supports the local United Way’s ongoing operations.

United Way of Northwest Connecticut’s Unrestricted Operating Fund | est. 2011
Proceeds from this designated fund are used primarily to support agency operations.

Washington Art Association Funds | est. 2009
These designated agency funds were established at the Foundation to support the charitable purposes of the Washington Art Association.

Wisdom House Endowment Fund | est. 2003
This endowment provides funding to support the mission of Wisdom House, a center for spiritual growth since 1949.

Northwestern CT YMCA Youth Leadership Fund | est. 2011
This designated agency fund was established to support the YMCA’s efforts to nurture the development and leadership potential of area children and teens.

Youth Advisory Committee Fund

Resources dedicated to the critical needs of area residents

Lena S. Benas Memorial Fund | est. 2001
Grants (made possible by funding from the Bank of America) from this trust fund assist under-resourced residents of Litchfield, Torrington, Harwinton, Goshen, and Cornwall, with preference for Litchfield residents.

Caleb J. Camp Trust Fund
Originally begun as a trust almost one hundred years ago to honor a prominent Winsted benefactor, this field-of-interest fund assists under-resourced residents of the town who have lived there for at least five years.

Marion Isabell Coe Fund | est. 1998
Grants (made possible by funding from the Bank of America) from this trust fund assist under-resourced residents of Litchfield, Warren, Morris, and Goshen, with preference for Litchfield residents.

Scholarship Funds

Russell Anderson, Carmen Brooks Anderson and Henry Vail Brooks Scholarship | est. 2000
This fund provides scholarships to graduating seniors from Torrington High School who plan to major in industrial arts, teaching or nursing. Recipients are chosen based on financial need, academic excellence, character and citizenship.

Betsy L. Bertoli Scholarship | est. 2001
Recipients of this scholarship are graduates of Torrington High School who plan to pursue a career in accounting or business administration/management.

Mae Casali Bonvicini Scholarship | est. 2001
This scholarship was established to benefit outstanding graduates of Torrington High School with financial need who are pursuing degrees at four-year colleges or technical schools.

Fred and Josephine Bruni Scholarship Fund | est. 2011
Established by family of the late Fred Bruni, this fund provides scholarship support for area students pursuing post-secondary degrees.

Russell F. Bruno Scholarship | est. 2001
This fund provides an annual award to a Torrington High School graduate who has excelled in English and plans to pursue college studies in writing, literature, journalism or related fields.

Jack and Ruth Calder Scholarship | est. 2002
This scholarship benefits a deserving high school graduate from Barkhamsted, Colebrook, Goshen, Hartland, Harwinton, Litchfield, New Hartford, Norfolk, Torrington or Winsted.

Steven A. Chupka Memorial Scholarship | est. 2001
Recipients are graduates of Oliver Wolcott Technical High School who demonstrate financial need, academic merit and community service. Preference may be given to students with an academic focus in electronics, but students pursuing other fields of study also are eligible to apply.

Dick Cooke Memorial Scholarship | est. 2001
This fund benefits Torrington High School graduates who demonstrate financial need, academic merit and community service.

Jeannine and Gerald Coutu Memorial Fund | est. 2008
This fund was established by the three Coutu children in honor of their parents, longtime residents of Canton.

Frances H. Ducci Scholarship | est. 2003
Mrs. Ducci, who was a resident of New Hartford, established this endowed scholarship fund to benefit graduates of a public high school in the Foundation’s service area.

Marion Wm. Edwards Scholarship | est. 2000
This scholarship benefits Torrington High School graduates who are continuing in Italian studies.

Charles and Pierina Fossati Scholarship | est. 2009
Established through a bequest by Eleanor Fossati in memory of her parents, this scholarship is awarded to Torrington High School graduates who demonstrate financial need, exemplary character and academic achievement.

Italian-American Republican Club Scholarship | est. 2000
Recipients are Torrington residents of Italian descent entering their junior or senior year of college who are majoring in political science, government, history or pre-law.

Diane and Jeff Johnson Scholarship | est. 2009
This scholarship fund benefits Goshen residents based on financial need and extracurricular accomplishments.

Earle R. Julian Scholarship | est. 2005
Established by Elizabeth Julian in memory of her late brother, this scholarship benefits past graduates of St. Anthony School, in Winsted, who plan to pursue a career in accounting.

Kenneth K. Mills Scholarship | est. 2006
Per the will of Mr. Mills, this fund provides scholarships to Shepaug Valley Regional High School graduates who will be attending Rutgers University.

Michele Farley Pittler Scholarship | est. 2002
This memorial fund provides scholarships to Torrington High School graduates based on financial need, academic merit and community service.

Friends of John Ponte Memorial Scholarship | est. 2010
Established in tribute to a prominent Torrington businessman and community activist who died unexpectedly in 2004 at age 44, this fund provides scholarship support for graduating high school athletes who exemplify traits possessed by Mr. Ponte, including character, leadership, scholarship and athletic achievement.

Alan Silano Memorial Scholarship | est. 2007

Arthur R. Smith Scholarship | est. 2001
This fund was established in memory of a venerable teacher at The South Kent School. Each year, the faculty designates a scholarship recipient who exemplifies traits possessed by Mr. Smith, including intellectual curiosity, moral integrity and a sense of humor.

Southwest School Scholarship | est. 2000
Established in memory of Marion Wm. Edwards by his wife, the late Alice Fabro Edwards, this fund makes an annual award to a Torrington High School graduate who also graduated from Southwest Elementary School in Torrington.

Apolonia Stanulis Scholarship | est. 1997
Through a bequest in his will, Vincent J. Stanulis established this endowment to honor his mother. Recipients are residents of the Foundation’s service area who are entering any year of undergraduate or graduate school.

Torrington High School Scholarships | est. 2000
Nearly 50 scholarships may be awarded annually to Torrington High School graduates based on financial need, academic merit and citizenship/community service.

Torrington UNICO Foundation Scholarships | est. 2010
A composite of 14 annual awards named for prominent community leaders and UNICO members, these scholarships assist area youth with the cost of higher education in perpetuity.

Albert C. and Rose Turri Scholarship | est. 2010
Established by family of the late Albert C. Turri, this scholarship supports area students pursuing postsecondary degrees in the fields of electrical engineering or electronics. The fund honors Mr. Turri’s legacy as founder, in 1946, of Turri Electric Co.

United Nations Association of Connecticut Scholarship for International Cooperation | est. 2009
Established in memory of Lisl C. Standen, this scholarship benefits graduates of public high schools in Northwest Connecticut. Recipients demonstrate academic merit, interest in international issues, foreign language proficiency and a commitment to social betterment.

Westside School Association/Harry Arsego Memorial Scholarship | est. 2001
This scholarship is used to assist students attending the Warner Center for Performing Arts with tuition expenses.

The “Who Wants to Change the World” Fund | est. 2005
This fund supports an annual essay contest among regional high school students leading to community improvements through legislation.

James P. and Mildred Gregg Zucco Scholarship | est. 2001
Recipients are graduates of The Gilbert School, Oliver Wolcott Technical High School and Northwest Regional District 7 High School. Selection is based on financial need, academic merit and community service.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Joshua Girolimon CRT Fund | est. 2010
Established by the family of Joshua Girolimon to support his medical needs during his lifetime. In the future, the Foundation will use proceeds from the remainder of the trust to make grants.

Frank R. and Vivienne V. Vanoni CRT Fund | est. 2005
Established by Dr. Vanoni and his late wife, Vivienne, this fund provides income for Dr. Vanoni during his lifetime. In the future, the Foundation will use proceeds from the remainder of the trust to make grants.

Supporting Organizations

A Supporting Organization is a type of grant-making entity that acts as a subdivision of a foundation, offering the benefits of a private foundation without its tax burdens. These organizations maintain autonomy with their own boards and grant-making abilities but are operated by a Community Foundation. This structure allows donors significant involvement in their philanthropic endeavors while alleviating the administrative and stringent tax obligations typical of private foundations.

In 2012, The John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation became a supporting organization under your Community Foundation. Originally established in 1998 by John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold, the foundation focuses on improving the welfare of animals, including domestic and wild species, and supports animal rescue, land conservation, and veterinary medicine advancements. Since joining, the Wiederhold Foundation has allocated over $740,000 in grants to 11 nonprofit organizations dedicated to these causes.

The Little Guild of Saint Francis

Renovations Improve Adoptions On March 11, 2013, the John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation awarded The Little Guild of Saint Francis in West Cornwall $129,433 for renovations to refurbish its indoor and outdoor canine facility and to provide for the purchase of a washer and dryer. “Currently, our dog kennels are very close and connected by a narrow hallway, which heightens stress and can trigger negative behavior as dogs often feel threatened,” said Denise Cohn, Little Guild Executive Director. “These renovations will provide much needed stress relief for our kennel dogs and provide for a more positive environment, one that fosters friendly behavior and will help our dogs get adopted sooner.

2012 Gifts/Contributions

Frederick J. Wilcox Sportsmanship Scholarship Fund in memory of Sophia Wilcox
Mary Ann and William Borla
Gayle Campbell
Carlisle Public School staff
Lori and Lawrence Desjardin
Rosemary and Michael Dill

Gov. William Pitkin Elementary School Cheer Fund
Kathleen and Michael Horan
Anne and Sean Murray
Elizabeth McGarrity
Joyce Mehaffey
Karen Slack
Patrice Hurley
Susan Pray
David Flannery
Lillian Mitchell
Sandra Mullen
Anna DeBlasio
Betty Olson
Doris Richard
Mary and Edward Storrs
Aurilie and Dolores Thivierge
Jane White
Danson Mandela Wambua
Michael Burns
Michele Pierce Burns
DiAnn Pierce
Dorothy Zaharek
Elizabeth Zaharek

Torrington UNICO Foundation Scholarship Fund
Torrington Chapter of UNICO

Winsted Area Child Care Center Endowment Fund
Winsted Area Child Care Center

Wisdom House Endowment Fund
Donna and Roger Granfors

Northwestern CT YMCA Endowment Fund
Draper Foundation Fund,
Northwestern CT YMCA Fund,
Northwest CT YMCA,
YMCA Camp Mohawk / Fund,
Arlene Foulds Memorial,
Sandra Roberts

Anonymous Family Provides Hope to Storm Victims

Months after Superstorm Sandy, many Connecticut residents continued to struggle to recover their livelihoods and to provide nutritious food, safe shelter, transportation, clothing, and medical supplies for their families. Although the family typically supported Litchfield County nonprofits through its Local Area Fund at the Foundation, an anonymous family wanted to help. They contacted the Foundation to provide a grant for $50,000 from their donor-advised fund to assist individuals and families continuing to struggle to recover from the storm. The Foundation presented the $50,000 grant to the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut, which was working with the United Way of Southeastern Connecticut to develop a flexible application process for storm victims to apply for financial assistance funds. After receiving reports about how the money was providing for storm victims, the family provided an additional $50,000 to continue the work of restoring hope. The gift was one of many that the family provides from its Local Area Fund. Through the Fund, the anonymous family supports Litchfield County nonprofit organizations, such as The Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, the Yankee Institute for Public Policy, Foothills Visiting Nurse and Homecare, and The Housatonic Valley Association.

Foundation-Initiated Funds

The Women & Girls Fund Initiated by the Foundation in 1999, the Fund provides a unique philanthropic opportunity for community-minded women in Northwest Connecticut who are committed to improving the lives of area women and girls by raising awareness and pooling resources. By supporting the fund, women:

  • Help to advance the welfare of local women and girls,
  • Network with women who share similar interests and values,
  • Help women and girls make strategic and informed decisions about their philanthropy,
  • Join a dynamic group that empowers other women.

In a generous show of support, the State Auto Insurance Group has contributed $20,000 over four years to advance the mission of The Women & Girls Fund. This funding is helping to advance the welfare of local women and girls by meeting their real-life needs and by identifying opportunities to transform their lives. For more information about The Women & Girls Fund or to learn how you can support its mission, visit or call 860.626.1245.

The Women and Girls Fund 2012 Contributors

$5,000 and above
State Auto Insurance Companies

$1,000 and above

Nancy Wadhams


Andrea Doyle Asman, Esq.
Elizabeth Brayboy
Roger Coutant
Theresa Formaggioni
Marsha Sterling and James Roberts
June Thomas


Anonymous Donor(s)
Binding Source
Maria Domack
Kara Dowling
Ellen and Wilmont Ebbs
J. Richard and Anna Heys
Kerwin Mayers
Joyce Mowrey
Cathy Oneglia
Terrence Ryan, M.D. and
Elizabeth Whalen, M.D.
Emily Soell


Ann and Travers Auburn
Roberta Lee August
| in memory of Claire Bruni-Reed
and Nellie Saporite; Donna Bucci
Joan Altschuler
Judi Armstrong
JoAnn Briggs
Joyce Briggs
Ann and Thomas Bott
Trudy Cook
The Hon. Margaret Cooley
Barbara Douglas
Carole Dmytryshak
Barbara Dughi
Rosemary and David Frauenhofer
Lynn and John Fulkerson
Lynn Ray and Dallett Hoopes
Roberta and John Janco
Corky and John Lavieri
Lorraine and Louis Lubus
Carol Lugar
Elizabeth and Kenneth Merz
Victoria and Fran Patrick
| in memory of the women and
children who died in Sandy Hook
Elementary School
Janet and Robert Petricone
Faith Poliquin
Barbara Spiegel and
Thomas Hodgkin
Robin Ruwet-Turpin
Judy and Per Staubo
Elizabeth C. Smith
Torrington Winsted Area
Rotary Club
Sanda and John Ursone
Kathleen and Michael Voldstad
The Hon. Roberta Willis and
Mr. Bill Willis

Up to $99

Anonymous Gift(s)
Tina Bernacki
Linda Bianowicz
Diane Blick
Gladys Cerruto
Lois Clough
Michelle Cook
Cathy Lynne Coyle
Jeanne and William Danaher
Ginny and Edward Davidson
Diana Larocco and James Davis
Lauretta and James Doyle
Laurie and Dary Dunham
Angela Engle
Mary and George English
Ruth and Ed Epstein
Pamela and Steven Frazier
Ingely and Malcolm Forbes
Marie C. Gervasini
Helen Trubek Glenn
Betsy Goff
Barbara Mojon Gugnoni
Doreen Hampton
William G. Harding
| in memory of Shirley Bommer
and in honor of Jill O’Brien
Jane and Paul Hinkel
Christine and Eugene Horrigan
Pamela Kinsey
Laura Lasker
Lisa Lynch
Donna Marconi
Rose Mandly
Matthew Mette and
Berta Andrulis Mette
Gayle Moraski
Marion and Victor Muschell
Joan and Morgan O'Brien
Barbara and James O'Leary
Rita Pacheco | in honor of
Donna Marconi, birthday
Jennifer and Leo Paul
Lorraine Petricone
Josephine Radocchio
Adele and Joseph Reale
Lori Riiska
Martha Phillips
Molly and Charles Roraback
Rudy and Ronald Rosenstein
Maryann Ryan
Catherine Tatge and
Dominique Lasseur
Barbara Thibodo
Edna and Tieman
Marie Wallace
Wisdom House Retreat
and Conference Center
Helen M. Woodford

Foundation-Initiated Funds

Youth Fund
Established in 2000 through the generosity of the Borghesi family, the Youth Fund supports the Foundation’s Youth in Philanthropy program, whose purpose is to perpetuate community leadership by helping young people develop positive connections to the communities in which they live. The program involves area high school students in community activities and enlists their help in tackling regional challenges, thereby giving them a sense of ownership in community welfare and a sense of responsibility for our region’s collective future.

The Youth in Philanthropy program is designed to give young people a platform for expression and innovation that can bring about new and sustainable solutions to community issues. Through their participation in youth councils, students learn lifelong lessons about charitable giving and volunteering. And they make annual grant recommendations to the Foundation based on their examination of issues impacting youth, in particular, and their community, in general. Youth councils also help to raise money for this endowed fund.

For more information about the Youth Fund or to learn how you can support its mission, visit or call 860.626.1245.

Critter Fund
Established by the Foundation in 2005, this endowed fund supports charitable organizations in northwest Connecticut dedicated to animal welfare. The Critter Fund assists with shelter, rescue and adoption, training, prevention of cruelty, spaying and neutering, elderly companionship, services to the disabled and wildlife preservation.
Animals play a vital role in our quality of life and, as such, are worthy of human concern and empathy. Supporters of the Critter Fund are dedicated to this premise and, by contributing to the fund, demonstrate their support of animal-related causes. For more information about the Critter Fund, or to learn how you can support its mission, visit or call 860.626.1245.

Critter Fund 2012 Contributors
Roberta Lee August
in memory of “Roo,” Sandy Roberts; “Daisy” D'onofrio; Nancy Gass; “Samantha” August; "Baby Earl Grey" and "Bailey"; Jim and Sandy Thibault's dogs; and in honor of Foundation Staff animals
Patricia Boccio
Roger Coutant
in memory of "Roo," Sandy Roberts
Sandy and Dennis Dressel
in memory of “Muff” Hilliar; Casper; “Samantha” August; and In honor of “Moby's” first birthday; “Winnie's” 4th birthday
Susan First in memory of “Elvis”
Leslie and Joe Friscia in memory of “Samantha” August
Walter Godlewski
Carol Lugar
Jill O'Brien
Marcia and Stephen Potter
Patty and Guy Rovezzi in memory of “Vodka”

2012 Annual Operating and Community Leadership Fund

$10,000 and Above
William and Mary Greve Foundation, Inc.

$5,000 and Above
The Asen Foundation

Maria and Allan Borghesi
Susan and Jeffrey Borghesi | in honor of Julia and Dino Borghesi
Khurshed Bhumgara
Hope S. Childs
Harriet F. Dickenson Foundation
Draper Foundation
Donald R. Florian | in memory of Janet Florian
Kathleen and Howard Fuhr
Arthur Oles | in memory of John and Martha Oles
Ellen and S. Felton Posey
Eleanor and Kenneth Pratt | in memory of Michael Pratt
Margaret and Adrian Selby Fund
Daniel Sherr and Margaret Ferguson

Becton Dickinson and Company
MaryAnne and Richard Berzine
Marlene Childs
Robert Dance
Roxana and Ledlie Laughlin
Catherine and John McMahon
Barbara and James Millar
Keith Mullins
Isabelle Osborne
Susan and Anthony Pasquariello Sr.
Victoria and Fran Patrick | in honor of the DeMichiel and Patrick Families
Terrence Ryan, M.D. and Elizabeth Whalen, M.D.
Philip Samponaro
Helen and Anthony Scoville
Ruth and David Skovron
Carol and Louis Timolat
Nancy Wadhams
Wall, Wall & Frauenhofer

Edna Travis and Bernard Adams
Ann and Travers Auburn
Roberta Lee August
Thomas Bechtle and Don Bachman
Ann and Lance Beizer
Martin Brayboy
Peggy and Ralph Brown
Sarah and Frank Buonocore | in memory of Charles Buonocore
Tammy and Patrick Casey
Emily Dalton and Matthew Karpas
Katharine and Rohit Desai
Fran and Richard Dichillo
Maria and Allen Domack
Lucy Fenn | in memory of Albert H. Fenn and Albert R. Fenn
Founders Insurance Group, Inc.
Mary Ellen and Andrea Geisser
Patricia Gelormino | in memory of Anthony C. Gelormino
John Green
Kimberly and Jeff Greenberg
Diana and Edward Greene
Janis and Gary Griffin
William G. Harding | in memory of Allan and Lucille Harding
Essie and Peter Humphrey
Roberta and John Janco
Corky and John Lavieri
Barbara and Charles Lemmen
Carol Lugar
Sandra Magyar
Dorothy Mather
Carolyn and Robert Mattoon
Stephanie and Stephen Mazzarelli
Priscilla and Alan McCord
Brian McCormick, Esq.
Dale McDonald
Debra and John McKeon | in memory of Glenn Duncan
Burns, Brooks & McNeil
Dan Dwyer and Jim Montanari
Linda and Doug O'Connell
Patricia and Joseph Paganini
Janet and Robert Petricone
Clare and Evan Rashkoff
Elisabeth and William Richard
Nancy and Norman Rogers
Molly and Charles Roraback
Rudy and Ronald Rosenstein
Alan Rothfeld, Esq.
Lindsey and Jonathan Rotolo
Patty and Guy Rovezzi
Emily Soell
Benjamin Stapleton
Alyson and Chilton Thomson
Torrington Savings Bank
Jane and Ernest Tremper
Sanda and John Ursone
Kathleen and Michael Voldstad
Beverly and Mark Wawer
Jane Whitney

Molly Ackerly and Michael Sconyers
Agostino Galluzzo Trust | in honor of Guy Rovezzi
Betty and William Ahrens
Caroline and Dyck Andrus
Meredith and Andrew Angelovich
Back to Earth
Marcia and Haworth Barker
Robert Bartos
Gerald Beach | in memory of Maureen Beach
Gail and Ricky Berglund
Martha and Robert Bernstein
Rita and David Bishop
Dana and John Bongiorno
Annesa and Richard Borla
Sheila and Arthur Borla
Elaine and James Bourgoin
Colette and John Boyd
Denise and John Buchanan III
Mary Fanette and Veronica Burns
Nancy and Robert Cannavo
Dona and James Casey | in memory of JoAnne McCormick
Jacqueline and Richard Caulfield
Gladys Cerruto | in memory of Peter Cerruto
Frank J. Chiaramonte
Nancy and Ed Claire
Pam and Alan Colavecchio
Barry and Karen Cone
The Hon. Margaret Cooley
Patrick Lynch and Jane Curtin
Peggy and David Cusick
Barbara Darcey | in memory of William J. Darcey
Jean Darlington and Eduardo Marchena
Lea Davies
Patricia Deans
Arthur Diedrick and Tata Stacom
Gemma DiMauro
Anne Dodge
Claire and Robert Dombi
Joanne Donne
Deborah and Louis Donne
Barbara Douglass, Ph.D.
Denise and Ron Dower

2012 Annual Operating and Community Leadership Fund

Sandy and Dennis Dressel | in memory of Dr. Harold W. Pier and in honor of Mande Zecca
Laurie and Dary Dunham | in memory of Fred Petersen
Janet Duchaine and Jonathan Fauver
William Dunkin
Randy Dwenger and Steven Callahan
Pamela and Paul Dzurilla
Virginia Eigenbrod
Kate Wenner and Gilbert Eisner
Diane English
Barbara and Rusty Ettinger
Cheryl and Dan Evans
Julie and John Fabiaschi | in memory of Tim Considine
Robert Fish
Lori and Anthony Fitzgerald
Ingely and Malcolm Forbes
Carlo Forzani
Marcia Fowler
Rosemary and David Frauenhofer
Evan Friedman
Romilda Galgano
Richard Glavin and Norman Mellk
Diana and Edward Greene
Green View Building & Design Company, Inc.
Stephany and Thomas Haines
Sue and Blake Hall
Margaret Douglas-Hamilton
Trudie and Norman Hamilton
Marjorie and Simon Hewett
Barbara Spiegel and Thomas Hodgkin
Susan Hoffnagle and Mark Michelson
Holley-Doremus Fund
Susie and Gray Horn
Amy Hudak
Daphne Hurford and Sandy Padwe
Cindy and Michael Italiaander
Michael Jackson
Alison and Kerry Jassen
Farida and Ghulam Jilani
Keith Johnson
Carol and Richard Kalikow
Jacqueline Katzin
Doreen and Michael Kelly
Alice and Peter Kent
Cheryl and Tim Kloczko
Eliza Klose and Harding Bancroft
Margot and David Krimmel
Joan Kunsch | in memory of Myrtle Kunsch
Starling Lawrence
Mary LeBlanc Realty | in memory of Henry Waldron
Fritz and Lee Link
Diane and Mark Libby
Litchfield Lions Club
Eileen and Peter Litwin
Kim and Andrew Luciano
Anne MacDonald
Doris and David Maitland
Rose Marchetti | in memory of Reno Marchetti
Paul Marks
Sandy and Bruce Mason
Donna and Brian Mattiello
Barbara McLane
Elizabeth and Kenneth Merz
Leslie and Nicholas Moore
Gayle Moraski
Lois and Stanley Moraski
John Morgan | in memory of Phyllis Morgan
Julia and John Morris
Moscarrillo’s Garden Shoppe employees | in honor of Allen and Maria Domack
Marion and Victor Muschell
Bunny and Bernie Nanni | in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calder Sr.
Barbara Niles
Town of North Canaan
Margo and Russell O'Connor, Jr. | in memory of Edward J. Schmitt and in honor of Joseph (Mattola) Schmitt
Barbara and James O'Leary
Gloria Oneglia | in memory of Robert Berger
Roderic Oneglia
Gail O'Neil | in memory of Brian J. O’Neil
Robert C. Ostrander | in memory of Katherine F. Ostrander and in honor of Robert E. Ostrander
Rita Pacheco
Denise and Doug Parker
Jennifer Perga and Mike DeClement
Linda Perosino | in memory of Jim Ashborn
Rose Ponte
Josephine Radocchio | in memory of Camille Radocchio
Beverly and Norman Reich
Cynthia and John Reznick | in memory of Marquerite Ryan and Charlotte Reznick
Cristin and David Rich
Toni and James Richardson
Billie and Arthur Robbins
Debbie and Bernard Roselli Jr.
Susan Pinsky and Marc Rosen
Linda and Douglas Roth
Cynthia and Gerald Rothstein | in honor of Jim O’ Leary
Merlene and Byron Round
Diana and Raymond Roy
Andrea and Todd Russo
William and Rosemarie Ryan
Diana and Philip Savory
Barbara and Lewis Schaffel
Ira Schafer | in memory of Robert Gersten
Edith and Kenneth Schechter
Hugh Schoelzel
Edith Scopino | in memory of Michael Scopino
Elaine and Robert Sederquist
Mark Shearer Fund
Nan and L.J. Skeie
Teresa and Allan Smith | in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith
Judy and Per Staubo
Linda and Donald Stein
Linda and David Supino
Frances and Lee Taliaferro
Joelene and Robert Teittinen
Barbara Thibodo
June and David Thomas
Michael Trapp
Leticia and Harry Tubman | in memory of George Terwilliger
Fr. Robert F. Tucker
Jean and William Vitalis
Arete Warren | in memory of William B. Warren
Susannah and Willard Wood
Lincoln Young
Lu-Ann Zbinden
Barbara and Michael Zimmerman

Up to $99
Anonymous | in memory of Sadie Groppo and Brian O’Neil; Anne and Anthony DeCroce
Nancy and Michael Ackerman
Judy and David Addazio
Erin and Matthew Ahrens
Susan and Kenneth Alender
Louise and Roy Van Alstyne
Ann Amicone
Peter Anderheggen
Ellen and Walter Arbo
Gail and Albert Atkinson, Jr.
Helen and Domenick Audia
Martha Baer
Anne Bailey
Claudette Baril | in memory of Polly Doremus
Arleen and Thomas Barrett
Dorothy and John Bazzano
Raymond Belding
Linda Bell
Susan Belle-Isle
Kitty Benedict
Rev. Ernest Bengston, Jr.
Joan and Lincoln Bertaccini
Evelyn and Ansis Bergs
Anne and Silvio Berti
Jean and Ralph Blackman | in memory of Victor Voss
Diane Blick
Anne and John Booth
Elizabeth Borden
Ellen Boyd
Joy and Asmund Boyum
Virginia Brecher
Sally and Everett Briggs
Rita and Roger Broggi
Josephine Bruni | in memory of Fred P. Bruni
Debra and George Brydon | in memory of Mary Ellen Holt
William J. Buckley, Jr.
Karen and Bruce Burnett
Eileen and Edward Burns
Cathy and Daniel Cain
Nancy and John Calhoun
Robert Capitanio
Raymond Carmignani
Susan and John Cary
Linda and Peter Chidsey
Carolyn Childs
Michelle Childs
Jean Cilfone
Maggie Clarke
Robin and Allen Cockerline
Florence and Milton Cohen
Nona and Art Coffill
Teresa and Albert Coffill
Dominic Colavecchio
Thomas Colligan
Anne and John Conboy
Janice and Martin Connor | in memory of Robin J. Connor
Evelyn Cornelio
Maria M. Cravanzola | in memory of Mary Coutant
Noel and Mark Croce
Courtenay Croker III
Barbara Creaser
Paul Cryan
Diane Damerau
Alexa and Richard Dann
Elisabeth Kaestner and Paul DeAngelis
Lenore and Robert Delvecchio
Alice Dember
Janet Dember | in memory of Howard J. Dember
Barbara and Paul Denza
Denise and Michael Devins
Akke Jasmine-Devlas
Diabetes & Endocrinology of NW CT
Deirdre DiCara
William Dillon
Donna and James DiMartino
Carole Dmytryshak
Lea and Paul Dmytryck
Sue and Frank Dooley
Rita-Claire and Robert Doyle
Kenneth and Marie Doyon | in memory of JoAnne McCormick
Inge Dunham
Angela Engle
Ruth and Ed Epstein
James Fabiaschi
James Fedorich
Zoe and Sergei Fedorjaczenko
Anne and Frederick P. Fenn
Joan and Richard Fenton
Audrey and Edward Ferman
Deborah and Paul Ferry
Laurie and Thomas Filippini
Jeanne and Robert Fitzgerald | in memory of Vincent Tucker
Sally Fitzpatrick
Leslie Flowers
Rita and Lawrence Freedman
Marlene and David Frigo
Leslie and Joe Friscia | in honor of Jenn and Jimmy Friscia
Elaine and James Fortuna | in memory of James J. Fortuna
Lillian and Andrew Fulton
Maurice Gabelmann | in memory of Carol H. Gabelmann
Stephen Getz
Marjorie Geopfert | in memory of Otto Geopfert
Dolores and Donatantonio Gerardi
Marie C. Gervasini
Elisabeth Gill
Robert Gioscia
Mary Gilman | in memory of Richard M. Gilman
Thomas Gilson
Helen Trubek Glenn | in memory of John Barrett, M.D.
Kathryn and Edward Goodhouse
Mary S. Goodhouse
Carol and Michael Gould
Leon Graham
Beth and Thomas Grayson
Paula and Joseph Gregoire
Barbara and William Gridley
John Groppo | in memory of Sadie Groppo and Brian O'Neil
Nancy and Philip Groth
Cynthia and Robert Hart
Paul and Katherine Hart
Vicki and Ken Hawkins
Diane and David Hebert
Helen Heilshorn
Joyce Hemingson
Lawrence Henrickson
Marjorie and Marc Herzog
Molly Hinchman and Russell Guerin
Michael and Nancy Hodgkins
Henrietta and Walter Horvay
Geraldine and Vincent Hunt
Judith Ignall and Roy Snyder
Gail and Jeff Jacobson
Akke Jasmine-Davlas
Genevieve and Victor Jarm
Wendy and Wayne Jenkins
Helen and Philip Jessup, Jr.
Diane and Jeff Johnson
Kay and Frederick Joseph
Howard E. Kerpelman
Katherine and Jim Kinane
King, King & Associates
Susan and Randolph Kinkade
Sue and William Kirber
Terry and Matthew Klim
Agnes Kling
Susan Knight
Anne and William Kremer
Karin Schneider and Robert Krzys
Vinton Lawrence and Anne Garrels
Irwin Leff and Ilene Tetenbaum
Joan and Gerald Libby
Jack Limpert
Little Red Schoolhouse Association | in honor of William Ahrens
Tara and Joseph Lockwood
Virginia and William Lovallo
Jeffrey Maher
Judy and Roger Mahieu
Manasse, Slaiby & Leard, LLP
Lenore and Stanley Mand
Patty and Richard Marshall
Priscilla and Robert Marshall
Muff Maskovsky
Millicent Matland
Kerwin Mayers
Carol Ann and Michael Mazaik
Sharon and Steven McCoy
William McNeill
McCrae Associates, LLC
Patricia and Curt Mechare
Cecily and Alan Mermann
Roberta Andrulis Mette and Matthew Mette | in memory of Peg and Bob Andrulis
Macey Levin and Gloria Miller
Anthony Mirizzi | in memory of Ann Mirizzi
Susan and Robert Moore | in memory of John K. Wood
Catherine and Robert Mosey
Beverly and Bruce Mosher
Martha Mullins
Carroll Murphy and David Geiger
Joanne and Mark Murphy
Albina Muschell
Karen and Leo Nardi
Marc Nied
Karen and Mark Neri
Joan and Morgan O'Brien
Karen O'Connor
Robert O'Connor | in memory of Dorothy O’Connor
Patricia and James Okrongly
Doreen and Robert Orciari
Julie and Andrew Ossolinski
Barbara and Eric Ottoson
Marveen and Michael Pakalik
Florence Persons
Elizabeth and Robert Peterson
Lorraine Petricone
Rhoda and Guy Pidgeon
Linda Pizzica
Helen L. Plager
Doris and William Polinsky | in honor of John and Mary Mazzochi and Father Iain Highet
Judith and Roger Pollick
Susan Pollock
Virginia and Robert Potter
Michelle and Joseph Pratt
Amy Schuchat and Barclay Prindle
Caryl and Anthony Pucino
Jan and Jerome Rathbun
Amelia Re | in memory of Lucian Re
Jean and Everett Reid
Barbara Reidy
Victor P. Reis, Sr.
Arlene and Robert Revaz
Dorothy and Roger Robbins | in memory of James and Mildred Zucco
Terry and Paul Roche
Andrew Roraback
Tillie Roy
Gretchen and Bill Ross | in memory of Bill Ross Jr.
Tina Rossi
Marlene and John Rouleau
Joseph Ruwet | in memory of Virginia C. Ruwet
Diane and Michael Rybak
Sandy and Dusty Sandmeyer
Linda and Herbert Schettler
Elaine Schlapak
Marian G. Schroeder
Mary Ann and Lou Seiser
Peggy and Michael Shanahan
William W. Shemms | in memory of William and Lillian Shems
Doris Sibley | in memory of Harold R. Sibley Jr.
Theresa and Michael Simaitis
Lisa and Marc Simont
Margaret Smith (formerly McAvoy) | in honor of Guy Rovezzi
Stewart Smith
Terina and Michael Smith
William H. Smith
Lisa and Michael Soliani | in memory of Maurice and Mary Theeb and Enrico Soliani
Barbara Starr
Jannette Stevens | in memory of Peter Cerruto
Patricia Strawson | in memory of Jack and Sally Considine
Mariann and John Stone, Jr.
Betty and Theodore Stoutenberg
Kathleen Swanton
Carmella Swicklas | in memory of A. Edward Swicklas
Debby and Colin Tait
Barbara and Peter Talbot
Catherine Tatge and Dominique Lasseur
Nicholas Thacher and Rev. Sally Thacher
Toymakers Inc./Toymakers Café
Lisa and Gerald Traub
Victoria Usher
Sandra and Stephen Vaill
Sally and William Vaun
Darleene and Fredric Wadhams
Tracey Wiles
David Wilson
Joyce and Raymond Winn
Amy Wynn and Eli Horowitz
Sylvia Wismar | in memory of Bishop Cyril M. Wismar
Sarah F. Zarbock